हिमाचल प्रदेश मेँ कंप्यूटर प्रोग्रामर बनने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवार Himachal
High Court में एप्लाई करें-
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 09-02-2015.
PLACE OF POSTING: Himacahal Pradesh.
NO.OF POSTS: 13 vacant posts of Computer Programmer and Assistant Programmer in Shimla.
NOTIFICATION: The Central Government promulgated the Himachal Pradesh (Courts) Order, 1948 on 15th August, 1948. As per Paragraph 3 of this Order, the Court of Judicial Commissioner was established for Himachal Pradesh and the Court was housed at "Harvingtan" (Kelston area, Bharari, Shimla). It was vested with the powers of a High Court under the Judicial Commissioner's Court Act, 1950 besides the Court of Judicial Commissioner, two Courts of District and Sessions Judges and 27 subordinate Courts. The Court of Judicial commissioner started functioning on August 15, 1948 and in the same year, two Courts of District and Sessions Judges were also established. The Punjab High Court rules and orders with suitable amendments were made applicable. On April 29, 1967 two more District and Sessions Judges Courts, one for Shimla and other for Kangra were established.
High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla invites offline application for the recruitment of 13 vacant posts of Computer Programmer and Assistant Programmer on contractual basis in the registry of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla and courts subordinate to the High Court from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply offline at official website up to 09-02-2015.
Candidates can download detail advt./notification from official website for recruitment information like required age/ reservation in age/ required education qualification/ required application fee/ reservation for posts/ syllabus/ date of test/last date to apply/number of posts/name of department/ mode of selection/ how to apply and other instructions.
POST WISE DETAILS: 13 posts of Computer Programmer and Assistant Programmer-
1- Computer Programmer: 01 post.
2- Assistant Programmer: 12 posts.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: As per details given below-
1- COMPUTER PROGRAMMER: B.E./B. Tech in Computers or I.T./M.C.A. or equivalent degree in Computer Science from any recognized University/ Institution with 1st Division with two years working experience as a Computer or Software Engineer or System Officer (Computers) or on equivalent post in the field of Computers Or B.E. Computers)/B. Tech. (Computers)/B.C.A or equivalent degree in Computer Science or IT-plus MBA from any recognized University/ Institute with at least 50% marks in both the qualifying exams with 2 years working experience Or B.Sc. (Computer Science or I.T.) with 1st Division with Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science/ Application/ I.T. from a recognized University/ Institute with First Division with experience.
2- ASSISTANT PROGRAMMER: A passed of B.E/B.Tech.in Computers or I.T. or equivalent technical qualification at least in Second division. Or B. Sc./B.A./B.Com with 1st Division with post Graduate Diploma in Computer application/ I.T. with two years experience as System Assistant or Assistant Programmer on higher or equivalent post Or Matriculation with one year diploma in Computers from any recognized I.T.I. or any other recognized Institution with six years experience Or Matriculation with 3 years Diploma in Computers from any recognized Polytechnic College or equivalent technical qualification from any recognized Institution/ Board/ University with four years experience.
PAY SCALE: As per details given below-
1- Computer Programmer: Rs. 10300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs. 5000/-.
2- Assistant Programmer: Rs. 10300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs. 3200/-.
REQUIRED AGE: Candidate’s required age should be in between of 22/25 - 45 years as on closing date.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
REQUIRED FEE: A Non-refundable application fee in the form of an Indian Postal Order of Rs. 400/- by General category (including S.C/S.T./O.B.C. candidates of other states) and Rs. 100/- in case of reserved category such as S.C/S.T./O.B.C. (excluding creamy layer) drawn in favour of the “Registrar General, High Court of H.P” and payable at Shimla to be send along with application form.
Recruitment of 465 vacant posts of Mining Sirdar/ Shot Firer and Surveyor (Mining) in Nagpur.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test, Skill Test and Interview.
HOW TO APPLY: For these posts eligible and interested willing candidates may send their filled up application on a prescribed format downloaded from official website along with self attested copies of required documents and the envelope should be subscribed as “POST APPLIED FOR” in capital letters up to 09-02-2015 and 23-02-2015 for applications coming from Far Flung areas to:
“The Registrar General, High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla”.
CONTACT ADDRESS: HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, RAVENSWOOD, SHIMLA - 171 001/Landline Number: 0177-2650800/Tele Fax Number: 0177-2650900/E-Mail ID:[email protected]
CONCLUSION: Those candidates who are looking for detailed information HP High Court, Recruitment 2015, for 13 vacant posts of Computer Programmer and Assistant Programmer, can download detail advt. /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age/ reservation in age/ required education qualification/ required application fee/ reservation for posts/ syllabus/ date of test/last date to apply/number of posts/name of department/ mode of selection/ how to apply and other instructions from the given web address. Apply offline up to 09-02-2015
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