Central Institute of Medicine & Aromatic Plants (CSIR) notified a recruitment to fill up 10 vacant posts of Assistant and others/10+2 Passed /Age up to 28 years/Pay Rs.9,300-34,800/-Apply offline up to 09-03-2015/ Advertisement No.1/2015/ CIMAP Lucknow Recruitment 2015 Assistant & other 10 post.
असिस्टेंट एवं स्टेनोग्राफर बनने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवार CSIR में एप्लाई करें –

LAST DATE TO APPLY: 09-03-2015.
PLACE OF POSTING: Uttar Pradesh.
NO.OF POSTS: 10 vacant posts of Assistant and St. /Jr. Stenographer in Lucknow.
1. Assistant (G) Grade III: 06 posts.
Pay Scale: Rs.5,200-20,200/-+ Grade Pay Rs.1,900/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi Typing.
Required Age: 28 years.
2. Assistant (S&P) Grade III: 01 post.
Pay Scale: Rs.5,200-20,200/-+ Grade Pay Rs.1,900/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi Typing.
Required Age: 28 years.
3. Jr. Stenographer (English/Hindi): 02 posts.
Pay Scale: Rs.5,200-20,200/-+ Grade Pay Rs.2,400/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 80 Shorthand (English/Hindi).
Required Age: 28 years.
4. Sr. Stenographer (English/Hindi): 01 post.
Pay Scale: Rs.9,300-34,800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4,200/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi Typing.
Required Age: 28 years.
REQUIRED AGE: Max age should not exceed 28 years as on closing date.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
REQUIRED FEE: A crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of “Director, CIMAP” payable at Lucknow to be send along with application form. The following details must be filled up on back side of Demand Draft (i) Candidate’s Name, (ii) Candidate’s Category, (iii) Post Code Applied For.
The candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/Women/CSIR Employees category are exempted from submission of application fee.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written Test (Stenography and Typing Test for Personal Assistant) and / or Group Discussion / Interview or any other mode of screening thereof.
HOW TO APPLY: For these posts eligible & interested candidates may send their filled up application duly accompanied by attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, education qualification, along with one recent passport size self-signed photograph affixed together with Demand draft up to 09-03-2015 to:
“CSIR-Central Institute of Medicine & Aromatic Plants, Post Office, CIMAP, Lucknow- 226015 (U.P.)”.
CONTACT ADDRESS: CSIR-Central Institute of Medicine & Aromatic Plants, Post Office, CIMAP, Lucknow-226015 (U.P.).
असिस्टेंट एवं स्टेनोग्राफर बनने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवार CSIR में एप्लाई करें –

LAST DATE TO APPLY: 09-03-2015.
PLACE OF POSTING: Uttar Pradesh.
NO.OF POSTS: 10 vacant posts of Assistant and St. /Jr. Stenographer in Lucknow.
1. Assistant (G) Grade III: 06 posts.
Pay Scale: Rs.5,200-20,200/-+ Grade Pay Rs.1,900/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi Typing.
Required Age: 28 years.
2. Assistant (S&P) Grade III: 01 post.
Pay Scale: Rs.5,200-20,200/-+ Grade Pay Rs.1,900/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi Typing.
Required Age: 28 years.
3. Jr. Stenographer (English/Hindi): 02 posts.
Pay Scale: Rs.5,200-20,200/-+ Grade Pay Rs.2,400/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 80 Shorthand (English/Hindi).
Required Age: 28 years.
4. Sr. Stenographer (English/Hindi): 01 post.
Pay Scale: Rs.9,300-34,800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4,200/-.
Required Qualification: A passed of 10+2/XII or equivalent and typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi Typing.
Required Age: 28 years.
REQUIRED AGE: Max age should not exceed 28 years as on closing date.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
REQUIRED FEE: A crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of “Director, CIMAP” payable at Lucknow to be send along with application form. The following details must be filled up on back side of Demand Draft (i) Candidate’s Name, (ii) Candidate’s Category, (iii) Post Code Applied For.
The candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/Women/CSIR Employees category are exempted from submission of application fee.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written Test (Stenography and Typing Test for Personal Assistant) and / or Group Discussion / Interview or any other mode of screening thereof.
HOW TO APPLY: For these posts eligible & interested candidates may send their filled up application duly accompanied by attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, education qualification, along with one recent passport size self-signed photograph affixed together with Demand draft up to 09-03-2015 to:
“CSIR-Central Institute of Medicine & Aromatic Plants, Post Office, CIMAP, Lucknow- 226015 (U.P.)”.
CONTACT ADDRESS: CSIR-Central Institute of Medicine & Aromatic Plants, Post Office, CIMAP, Lucknow-226015 (U.P.).
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