Dy. Director, Executive Trainee,
HR Manager,
Office Assistants Recruitment 2015
MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL) notified a recruitment to fill up 16 vacant posts of Dy. Director, Executive Trainee, HR Manager, Programmer & Office Assistant/ MBA, CA/ ICWA , BE, Graduate/ BBA/Age up to 45 years/Pay Rs. 15,600/- to Rs. 30000/-/Apply offline up to 10-03-2015/ MPPTCL Recruitment 2015 Office Assistant & Other 16 Posts.
विभिन्न अधिकारी बनने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवार MPPTCL में एप्लाई करें –
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 10-03-2015.
PLACE OF POSTING: Madhya Pradesh.
NO.OF POSTS: 16 vacant posts of Dy. Director, Executive Trainee, HR Manager, Programmer & Office Assistant in MP.
1- Dy. Director (F&A): 2 Posts.
Required Qualification: A passed of MBA in Finance/ M. Com with 50% marks/ Qualified CA.
Required Age: 45 years.
Pay Scale: N/A
2- Executive Trainee (Accounts): 3 Posts.
Required Qualification: A passed of CA/ ICWA.
Required Age: 35 years.
Pay Scale: Rs. 15,600/-.
3- HR Manager: 1 Post.
Required Qualification: A passed of MBA in HR or equivalent.
Required Age: 40 years.
Pay Scale: Rs. 30,000/-.
4- Programmer: 2 Posts.
Required Qualification: A passed of BE in Computer Science/ IT/ MCA or equivalent.
Required Age: 30 years.
Pay Scale: Rs. 30,000/-.
5- Office Assistant: 8 Posts.
Required Qualification: A passed of Graduate/ BBA or equivalent & PGDCA.
Required Age: 30 years.
Pay Scale: Rs. 11,000/-.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
REQUIRED FEE: An Application Fee of Rs. 1,000/- by UR & OBC Candidates & Rs. 250/- by SC/ST Candidates to be paid through a Demand Draft having validity of three months from the date of issue and payable at Jabalpur drawn in favor of the “Regional Accounts Officer, MP Power Transmission Co.Ltd., Jabalpur”.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written examination & personal interview.
HOW TO APPLY: For these posts eligible & interested candidates may send their filled up application form along with copies of required documents by Ordinary Post up to 10-03-2015 to:
“Post Box No.3022, Lodi Road, Main Post Office, New Delhi-110003”.
CONTACT ADDRESS: M.P. Power Transmission Company Limited, (A wholly owned Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking) CIN:U40109MP2001SGC014880, Block No.2, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur (M.P.) 482008/Tel:(0761)2702036, 2702041 /Fax:(0761)2664450/E-mail:[email protected]
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