How to become an Airman in Indian Air
Guys we will
discuss today for CASB-Eligibility Criteria| Career as IAF Airmen| Join Indian
Air Force| IAF Airman - Educational Qualification and Physical Standards
is the qualification for Airman?
is the Salary of an Airman?
can I become Airman after 12th?
airmen exam tough?
does an airman become an officer in the Indian Air Force?
Airman a good Job in IAF?
can I join Airmen after 12th?
Airmen Exam Tough?
to Join Indian Air Force as an Airmen?
to join Indian Air Force in 2023 - Know the best ways to Join IAF
in IAF - Indian Air Force: Touch the Sky With Glory
Airforce Airman - Career, Role, Education, Jobs & Salary
as an Airman - Indian Air Force in India
Air Force Official Website
Air Force Recruitment
Air Force Salary
Air Force Promotion Structure
Air Force Aircraft
Air Force
Indian Air Force as Officer
to Become an Airman in Indian Air Force
Years of Service in the Indian Air Force as Airman
Rank in Indian Air Force
Air Force Qualification Details
is the Work of Airmen in Indian Air Force
Air Force Recruitment
Air Force Promotion Structure
in Indian Air Force Salary
in Air Force Salary
Years of Service in the Indian Air Force as an Airman
Rank in Indian Air Force
Air Force Qualification Details
Air Force Recruitment
is The Work of Airmen in Indian Air Force
Air Force Ranks
How to Join Indian Air Force as an Airman
Guys we will
discuss today for CASB-Eligibility Criteria| Career as IAF Airmen| Join Indian
Air Force| IAF Airman - Educational Qualification and Physical Standards
Contents What
is the qualification for Airman? What
is the Salary of an Airman? How
can I become Airman after 12th? Is
airmen exam tough? How
does an airman become an officer in the Indian Air Force? Is
Airman a good Job in IAF? How
can I join Airmen after 12th? Is
Airmen Exam Tough? How
to Join Indian Air Force as an Airmen? How
to join Indian Air Force in 2023 - Know the best ways to Join IAF Career
in IAF - Indian Air Force: Touch the Sky With Glory Indian
Airforce Airman - Career, Role, Education, Jobs & Salary Career
as an Airman - Indian Air Force in India Indian
Air Force Official Website Indian
Air Force Recruitment Indian
Air Force Salary Indian
Air Force Promotion Structure Indian
Air Force Aircraft Agniveer
Air Force Join
Indian Air Force as Officer How
to Become an Airman in Indian Air Force Minimum
Years of Service in the Indian Air Force as Airman Airman
Rank in Indian Air Force Indian
Air Force Qualification Details What
is the Work of Airmen in Indian Air Force Indian
Air Force Recruitment Indian
Air Force Promotion Structure Airman
in Indian Air Force Salary Airman
in Air Force Salary Minimum
Years of Service in the Indian Air Force as an Airman Airman
Rank in Indian Air Force Indian
Air Force Qualification Details Indian
Air Force Recruitment What
is The Work of Airmen in Indian Air Force Indian
Air Force Ranks
How to Join Indian Air Force as an Airman
Indian Air Force Airmen Recruitment-Indian Air Force Airmen Procedure
How to become an Airman in Indian Air Force?
Force Airmen Recruitment Process| Airmen Selection Procedure
भारतीय वायु सैनिक/Airman कैसे बनें?
How to become an Indian Air Force Airman?
There are two types of selection in IAF
(1) – Direct recruitment through Centralized process (सीधी केन्द्रीय भर्ती).
(2) – Rally Recruitment (रैली भर्ती).
Airman Selection Procedure- भारतीय वायु सेना भर्ती प्रक्रिया -
The selection as an Airman in the IAF is conducted through All India Selection Tests and Recruitment Rallies. All India Selection Tests are conducted at the Airmen Selection Centres (ASCs) located all over India as per schedule, whereas the Recruitment Rallies are conducted from time to time in selected areas/regions of particular States/Union Territories of the country.
(1) All India Selection Tests (STs): Advertisements are published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar inviting the applications for All India Selection Tests (STs). In response to the advertisement, eligible male Indian Citizens (including the citizens of Nepal) are to forward application to the President, Central Airmen Selection Board, Post Box No. 11807, New Delhi -110 010. The Board sends admit cards to eligible and short-listed candidates to appear in the Selection Tests.
(2) Recruitment Rallies: Advertisements for Rallies are published with the details of eligibility conditions, selection programme and rally venue in popular local/regional newspapers circulated in the region/area of the rally. For rally recruitment, eligible candidates are to report to the rally venue with the requisite documents. These documents will be scrutinized and verified by the Testing Team.
INQUIRY: Address and Contact details:
Central Airmen Selection Board, Air Force Station Naraina, Brar Square, Delhi Cantt-New Delhi -110010/Tele - 011- 25694209/E - mail - [email protected]
Selection Centers of Airmen: 14 Airmen Selection centers are located all over the country. On enrollment at the ASCs, the candidates are routed to Basic Training Institute (BTI), Belgaum (Karnataka) to undergo Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) for a period of 12 weeks. On successful completion of JBPT, candidates will be allocated trades and sent for trade training of specified duration. After successful completion of trade training, the airmen will be deployed on ground based jobs as per their allotted trades.
1 - Airmen Selection Centre, 48, Mansfield Road, Ambala Cantt- 133001/Tele: 0171- 2630048/
2 - Airmen Selection Centre, Race Course Camp, New Delhi - 110003/Tele: 011-23010231 - Extn. 7652/Email: [email protected]
3 - Airmen Selection centre, Air Force Station, Chakeri, Kanpur – 208008/Tele: 0512-2451730 - Extn.4603/Email: [email protected]
4 - Airmen Selection Centre, (Near Palta Gate), Air Force Station Barrackpore, West Bengal – 743122/Tele: 033-25450895 (Direct), 033-25921251- Extn.6391/Email: [email protected]
5 - Airmen Selection Centre, Old Pali Road Jodhpur- 342011/Tele: 0291-2511516- Extn. 2110/Email: [email protected]
6 - Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station, Cotton Green, Mumbai-400033/Tele: 022-23714982- Extn. 251/Email: [email protected]
7 -Airmen Selection Centre, No.1 Cubbon Road, Bangalore-560001/Tele: 080-25592199/
8 - Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station, Tambaram, Chennai-600046/Tele: 044-22396565 (Extn No -7833)/ 044-22390561 (Direct), 09445299128(Mobile)/Email: [email protected]
9 - Airmen Selection Centre, Near Rajadhani College, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-751003/
10 - Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station Bihta, Patna, Bihar – 801103/Tele: 06115-250002,03,04,05,06 & 07- Extn. 4340/Email : [email protected]
11 - Airmen Selection Centre, Borjhar, Guwahati- 781015/Tele: 0361-2842720- Extn.333 0361-2843385/Email: [email protected]
12 - Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station, Bowenpally, Secunderabad-500011/Tele: 040-27753500- Extn: 467/Email: [email protected]
13 - Airmen Selection Centre, VII/302-B, Vayu Sena Road, Kakkanad, Kochi-682030/Tele: 0484-2427010/Email : [email protected]
14 - Airmen Selection Centre, IInd Floor, Phase-II, Rajiv Gandhi Parisar, 35 Shyamala Hills,
of Examination:
As per details given below-
a - Written Test-
(ii) - Group 'X' (Education Instructor/ एजुकेशन इंस्ट्रक्शन) Trades: There will be 2 papers - one Objective type and 2nd Descriptive type. The Objective type of paper would cover General English, General Awareness and Current Affairs. The Descriptive type of paper would aim to test the language comprehension and power of expression. Both of the question papers will be administered in one go with duration of 40 and 35 minutes for Objective and Descriptive papers respectively.
(iii) - Group 'Y' (Non-Technical/ गैर तकनीकी शाखा) Trades: Candidates are tested in English and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). Duration of written test will be 45 minutes.
(iv) - Group 'Y' (Musician) Trades: Candidates are tested in English dictation & proficiency to play the musical instrument applied for.
Written Test will be objective type and question paper will be bilingual (English & Hindi), except for English paper. Written test will be based on CBSE up to class XII syllabus. Candidates are to qualify in each paper/test separately. Result of written test is declared on the same day.
b - Physical Fitness Test (PFT) - Candidates passing the written test are to undergo Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Passing the PFT is mandatory. The PFT for all trades [except IAF (Security)] consists of a 1.6 Km run to be completed within 8 minutes. The PFT for IAF (Security) trade includes a 2.4 Km run & 5 Km run to be completed in 15 minutes & 30 minutes respectively. Candidates above 27 years of age will be given relaxation in PFT timing as per existing norms (Applicable to serving NC (E) s only). Candidates completing PFT faster are awarded additional marks on a sliding scale.
c – Interview - Candidates passing PFT will be interviewed by a team of Officers & Warrant ranks. Interview is normally conducted in English. Working knowledge of English is thus essential.
d -Trade Allocation Test (TAT) - Candidates of Group 'X' (Technical) trades who qualify in interview are to undergo Trade Allocation Test for bifurcation into Mechanical and Electronics stream. Specific trade allotment within these streams will be carried out at Basic Training Institute (BTI), Air Force (Belgaum).
e - Medical Test - Candidates who have been recommended in the interview will be medically examined by the Recruitment Medical Team as per Indian Air Force Medical Standards.
All India Select List-Merit- (AISL) - Candidates who pass the Written Test, complete PFT within the given time, clear the interview and have undergone Medical Examination are arranged in the All India Select List (AISL). The inclusion of names of the candidates in the AISL depends upon the performance of the candidates in the Selection Test and number of vacancies to be filled. The candidates are enrolled in the Indian Air Force as per the existing vacancies.
NOTE: Interested candidates must watch out for our Advertisement for Selection Tests in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar and
Indian ir Force Eligibility Criteria
1 - GROUP 'X' trades/ तकनीकी शाखा (Except Education Instructor) -
Age Limit: (As on date of Enrolment) - 17 - 21 years.
Educational Qualification: A Passed of Intermediate / 10+2 / equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English, with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English
A Passed of 3 years Diploma course in Engineering (Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Automobile / Computer Science / Instrumentation Technology / Information Technology) from a Government recognized Polytechnic Institute with minimum 50% marks in overall aggregate and 50% marks in English in Diploma or in Intermediate / Matriculation if English is not a subject in Diploma.
2 - Group 'X' Education Instructor Trade/ एजुकेशन इंस्ट्रक्शन -
Age Limit: (As on date of Enrolment) - 20-25 years.
Educational Qualification: A Passed of Graduate in Arts, Commerce or Science with B. Ed degree or 2 years teaching experience in a Government recognized University/ School/College with minimum 50% marks in aggregate in Graduation as well as B. Ed.
Age Limit: (As on date of Enrolment) - 20-28 years.
Educational Qualification: A Passed of MA English / M Sc in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science / MCA with B. Ed degree or 2 years teaching experience in a Government recognized School / College./
3 - Group 'Y' Trades/ तकनीकी शाखा (Except Med Asst and Musician) –
Age Limit: (As on date of Enrolment) - 17-21 years.
Educational Qualification: A Passed of Intermediate / 10+2 / or equivalent examination in any stream / subject approved by Central / State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
Educational Qualification: A Passed of 2 years vocational course affiliated / recognized by CBSE / State Education Boards / Councils duly recognized at par with 10+2 by AIU with minimum 50 % marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in Vocational Course or in Intermediate / Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.
4 - Group 'Y' Med Asst Trade -
Age Limit: (As on date of Enrolment) - 17-21 years.
Educational Qualification: A Passed of 10+2 / Intermediate / or equivalent exam with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
5 - Group 'Y' Musician Trade -
Age Limit: (As on date of Enrolment) - 17-25 years.
Educational Qualification: A Passed of Matriculation / 10th class or equivalent with minimum pass marks from any Government recognized School/Boards and proficient in playing at least one of the following musical instruments-
Trumpet / Bass / Violin / Saxophone / Clarinet / Euphonium / Jazz-Drum / Piccolo / Bass Trombone / Key Board / Guitar / Sarod / Viola / Cello / Contra Bass (String Bass).
Indian Air Force Medical Standards -
To get selected as an Airman, the candidate must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duties in any part of the world, climate and terrain. Medical Standards to become an Airman are as follows -
(i) Visual Standards and Height: As per table given below -
(ii) Weight: Weight should be proportionate to height and age.
(iii) Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 Cms.
(iv) Hearing: Should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters by each ear separately.
(vi) Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points.
(vii) Health: Should have no medical or surgical deformity and should be free from all communicable diseases & skin ailments.
Visual Standards Height and Leg Length: Trade Wise -
Visual Acuity
Max limits of Ref Error
Color Vision
Leg length
Fitter (Mechanical)
6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eye.
Hypermetropia: + 2.0 D Myopia: 1D including+0.50
152.5 cms
Fitter (Smith) Structure Fitter-AF Fit,
Propulsion Fitter-Eng Fit |
6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eye.
Hypermetropia: + 2.0 D Myopia: 1D including+0.50
152.5 cms
Fitter-Rdo, Rad F (L)
Electrical Fitter-Elect, Inst, Photo/Fit. Weapon Fitter Automobile Fitter-MT Fit, MF (M) Mechanical System Fitter-PMF (M). |
6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eye.
Hypermetropia: + 2.0 D Myopia: 1D including+
0.50 astigmatism
152.5 cms
Min leg
length required for Mechanical system Fitter and Automobile Fitter is 99 cm
6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye.
Not exceeding
+ 3.50 D including astigmatism
152 cms
Ops Assistant
6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eye
Hypermetropia +2.0D
Myopia -1D Including +0.50 Astigmatism |
152.5 cm
Assistant- Clk GD, Cat Asst Account Assistant, Clk EA/PA, Clk Accts. Med
Logistics Assistant-Eqp Asst |
6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye
Not exceeding
+3.50 D
including astigmatism
152.5 cm
Support Services Assistant ESSA)- ACH/GD, SEW, Photo Tech,
Cryptographer Met Assistant, Communication Technician- Rdo Tech, RTO |
6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye
Not exceeding
+3.50 D
including astigmatism
152.5 cm
Technician- MT Tech, MTD
6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eye
Hypermetropia +2.0D
Myopia - 1D including+0.50 Astigmatism |
165 Cms (162.5 cms for N/E & Hill states)
Min leg length required 99 cm
Training Instructor (GTI)
6/12 each eye correctable to 6/6 each eye.
Hypermetropia +2.0D
Myopia -1D Including +0.50 Astigmatism |
167 cm
(162.5 cm for N/E & Hill states) |
Indian Air
Force (Police) {IAF (P)}
Unaided visual acuity of 6/6
Not Applicable
175 cms
Indian Air
Force (Security) IAF (S)
Unaided visual acuity of 6/6
Not Applicable
172 cm(162 cm for North East & Hill states)
6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9 each eye
Not exceeding
+3.50 D
including Astigmatism
162 cms
6/36 each eye correctable to 6/9
Not exceeding
+3.50 D
including Astigmatism
152.5 cm
(i) - Candidates should bring latest prescription and spectacle for corrected vision, if used. The prescription must bear the signature, stamp and registration number of Eye Specialist. Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) is not acceptable.
Location of Training Institutes/Centers –
Indian Air Force Salary| IndianAir Force Pay Scale
Basic Pay and Allowances: During training a stipend of Rs. 8,550/-per month will be paid. On completion of training, Airman is placed in the emoluments as under. Promotion to next Pay Band is as per the policy in vogue.
The Ranks of Airmen in the Indian Air Force| Indian Air Force Ranks
Indian Air Force Trades
Indian Air Force Official Website
Flying Branch
Technical Branch
Ground Duty Branch
| |
Total Emoluments
Rs. 80,250
Rs. 71,550
Rs. 68,550
Indian Air Force Badges
Indian Air Force Test
Indian Air Force History
Indian Air Force Training Centre, Indian Air Force Commands

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