ONGC Recruitment Notification 2015 Online Apply 110 Junior Assistant Technician Posts,
Junior Assistant Technician in ONGC Recruitment 2015 Jobs,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 for 110 Technician Vacancy,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 for 110 Junior Assistant Technician & others,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 Apply Online 110 ONGC Junior Assistant Technician,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 Apply for 110 Jr Asst Technician Jobs,
ONGC Recruitment 2016 Apply 110 Junior Assistant Technician & other Jobs,
ONGC Recruitment 2016 for 110 Jr Asst Technician & other Vacancy,
ONGC Recruitment 2016 Application 110 Junior Assistant Technician & other Vacancy,
ONGC Recruitment 2017 Apply 110 Junior Assistant Technician & Other Posts,
ONGC Recruitment 2017 for 110 Junior Assistant Technician Jobs
ओ एन जी सी तमिलनाडु एवं पांडिचेरी में जूनियर असिस्टेंट तकनीशियन तथा अन्य कर्मचारी पदों हेतु इच्छुक उम्मीदवार यहाँ एप्लाई करें-
NOTIFICATION: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) (A Govt of India Undertaking) has notified a recruitment to fill up 110 vacant posts of Junior Assistant Technician & Others in various disciplines for Karaikal (Puducherry) from the candidates who have qualified in 10th, 12th with ITI in concerned discipline and having a valid motor driving License and having eligible age limit. The Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test/ Physical Slandered test/Trade test and personal Interview. The selected candidates will be paid a salary as per Govt. Rules. Advertisement No: SS/KKL/2/2015. ONGC Recruitment 2015 Jr Assistant Technician & Other Vacancies. Candidates may apply Online up to 20-10-2015.
ABOUT: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) of the Government of India, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. It is India's largest oil and gas exploration and production company. It produces around 70% of India's crude oil (equivalent to around 25% of the country's total demand) and around 60% of its natural gas. With a market capitalisation of over INR 2 trillion, it is one of India's most valuable publicly-traded companies.
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 20-10-2015.
PLACE OF POSTING: Tamil Nadu and Puduchery.
NO.OF POSTS: 110 vacant posts of various Junior Assistant Technician & Others in various disciplines in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) Karaikal (Puducherry).
01. Technical Assistant Gd. III (Chemistry: 03 posts.
02. Assistant Rigman (Drilling): 08 posts.
03. Assistant Technician (Mechanical): 03 posts.
04. Assistant Technician (Production): 05 posts.
05. Security Supervisor: 02 posts.
06. Junior Assistant Rigman (Drilling): 57 posts.
07. Junior Assistant Technician (Diesel): 05 posts.
08. Junior Assistant Technician (Fitting): 03 posts.
09. Junior Assistant Technician (Welding): 05 posts.
10. Junior Assistant (Materials Management): 02 posts.
11. Junior Assistant (Accounts): 02 posts.
12. Junior Security Supervisor: 01 post.
13. Junior Motor Vehicle Driver (HV/Winch): 06 posts.
14. Junior Fireman: 07 posts.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: As per details given below –
1. A-2 Level - A passed of Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry with Specialization in Analytical / Applied / Industrial / Inorganic / Organic / Physical Chemistry/Graduate with relevant experience of
1 year in the field of Security/ B.Sc, B. Com with Physics or Maths as one of the subjects with proficiency in Typing 30 w.p.m./3 year’s diploma in relevant discipline or other relevant eligible qualification from any recognized University.
2. A-1 Level - A passed of 12th class with ITI in relevant trade from any recognized Board/University.
3. W -I Level - A passed of 12th or 10th class from any recognized Bard/University with ITI in Fire with 3 month fireman training and heavy vehicles driving license.
NOTE: Candidates who fulfill the qualifying criteria and having valid registration with the Employment Exchanges / Professional Employment Offices / Ex Servicemen Welfare Departments in the State of Tamil Nadu and Puduchery Union Territory may only apply. Candidates name and essential qualification must be registered in the Employment Exchange on or before closing date of online registration process.
PAY SCALE: As per details given below –
Rs. 12000 – 27000/- for A2 Level, Rs. 11000/- - 24000/- for A1 Level, Rs. 10000/- - 18000/- for W1 Level. An annual increment of 3% on Basic Pay is admissible.
REQUIRED AGE: Candidate’s age should be in between of 18 years – 27/30 years as on 20-10-2015.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
REQUIRED FEE: A non refundable Application fee of Rs. 300/- by General & OBC candidates and Rs. 150/- by ST/SC/PWD/ EXS candidates to be paid through chalan form in SBI. Candidates have to deposit the Registration Fee through the downloaded Challan Form, in any branch of State Bank of India. ONGC Account No. 30827318409. Branch Code: 1576 after paying, the Candidate has to preserve the counter foil of the SBI Challan, till the time of Interview.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test/ Physical Slandered test/Trade test and personal Interview.
ONGC Recruitment board will conduct a written test pattern Offline or OMR based written test of 100 marks in concerned discipline, 20 marks of General Awareness for A1 and W1 and 80 marks in concerned discipline and 40 marks for General Awareness for A2 Level.
The Written Test will be conducted at Chennai.
ONGC - WRITTEN TEST: 13-12-2015.
INSTRUCTION: To fill the online application form following details should be readily available with the Candidates:
1. Present Valid E-mail Id, since correspondence will be done through e-mail.
2. Mobile Number of the Candidate. The Mobile Number so registered by the Candidate should be kept active to receive SMS alerts throughout the recruitment process.
3. Name of the Employment Exchange / Ex Servicemen Welfare Department where registered, Registration Number, Current Validity.
4. Qualification, percentage of marks, year of passing and Name of Institute.
5. Date of Birth.
6. CPF No. for Departmental Candidates.
7. If candidate is Ex-Apprentice of ONGC, Place of ONGC where Apprentice Training held, Trade, and period of Training.
8. SC/ST/OBC Certificate in the prescribed format duly signed by Competent Authority.
9. In case of OBC, valid Non-creamy Layer Certificate in the prescribed format enclosed, applicable for appointment to posts in Central Govt. / Central Govt. Undertaking. Only those candidates whose caste name is in the Central List of OBCs and with Valid Non Creamy Layer Certificate will be treated as OBCs for the purpose of this recruitment.
10. Ex-Servicemen Details [Experience period, Date of discharge from Army, Reason for discharge].
11. PwD Candidates Details [Percentage of disability, Type of disability].
12. Details of valid Heavy Vehicle Driving Licence (wherever applicable).
13. Details of SBI payment Challan (Journal No, Branch Name, Branch code, Deposit date, where the Registration Fees has been paid).
14. Scanned copy of Candidate‟s pass-port size colour photograph (50 KB size).
15. Scanned signature of the Candidate (20 KB size).
HOW TO APPLY: For these posts eligible and interested willing candidates may apply online at official website up to 20-10-2015. Candidates must printout a hard copy of online application for future use.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Karaikal (Puducherry).
CONCLUSION: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) invites offline application for the recruitment of 110 vacant posts of various Junior Assistant Technician & Others in various disciplines on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through offline application up to 20-10-2015.
Candidates can download detail advt. /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age/ reservation in age/ required education qualification/ required application fee/ reservation for posts/ syllabus/ date of test/last date to apply/number of posts/name of department/ mode of selection/ how to apply and other instructions.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) has recently delivered an employment notification to fill up 110 vacancies of Junior Assistant Technician & Other posts on regular basis for Karaikal (Puducherry). Interested eligible candidates who are seeking jobs in Puducherry may apply online form official website of ONGC up to 20-10-2015 while other details of employment notification like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee details given above.
Junior Assistant Technician in ONGC Recruitment 2015 Jobs,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 for 110 Technician Vacancy,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 for 110 Junior Assistant Technician & others,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 Apply Online 110 ONGC Junior Assistant Technician,
ONGC Recruitment 2015 Apply for 110 Jr Asst Technician Jobs,
ONGC Recruitment 2016 Apply 110 Junior Assistant Technician & other Jobs,
ONGC Recruitment 2016 for 110 Jr Asst Technician & other Vacancy,
ONGC Recruitment 2016 Application 110 Junior Assistant Technician & other Vacancy,
ONGC Recruitment 2017 Apply 110 Junior Assistant Technician & Other Posts,
ONGC Recruitment 2017 for 110 Junior Assistant Technician Jobs
ओ एन जी सी तमिलनाडु एवं पांडिचेरी में जूनियर असिस्टेंट तकनीशियन तथा अन्य कर्मचारी पदों हेतु इच्छुक उम्मीदवार यहाँ एप्लाई करें-
NOTIFICATION: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) (A Govt of India Undertaking) has notified a recruitment to fill up 110 vacant posts of Junior Assistant Technician & Others in various disciplines for Karaikal (Puducherry) from the candidates who have qualified in 10th, 12th with ITI in concerned discipline and having a valid motor driving License and having eligible age limit. The Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test/ Physical Slandered test/Trade test and personal Interview. The selected candidates will be paid a salary as per Govt. Rules. Advertisement No: SS/KKL/2/2015. ONGC Recruitment 2015 Jr Assistant Technician & Other Vacancies. Candidates may apply Online up to 20-10-2015.
ABOUT: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) of the Government of India, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. It is India's largest oil and gas exploration and production company. It produces around 70% of India's crude oil (equivalent to around 25% of the country's total demand) and around 60% of its natural gas. With a market capitalisation of over INR 2 trillion, it is one of India's most valuable publicly-traded companies.
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 20-10-2015.
PLACE OF POSTING: Tamil Nadu and Puduchery.
NO.OF POSTS: 110 vacant posts of various Junior Assistant Technician & Others in various disciplines in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) Karaikal (Puducherry).
01. Technical Assistant Gd. III (Chemistry: 03 posts.
02. Assistant Rigman (Drilling): 08 posts.
03. Assistant Technician (Mechanical): 03 posts.
04. Assistant Technician (Production): 05 posts.
05. Security Supervisor: 02 posts.
06. Junior Assistant Rigman (Drilling): 57 posts.
07. Junior Assistant Technician (Diesel): 05 posts.
08. Junior Assistant Technician (Fitting): 03 posts.
09. Junior Assistant Technician (Welding): 05 posts.
10. Junior Assistant (Materials Management): 02 posts.
11. Junior Assistant (Accounts): 02 posts.
12. Junior Security Supervisor: 01 post.
13. Junior Motor Vehicle Driver (HV/Winch): 06 posts.
14. Junior Fireman: 07 posts.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: As per details given below –
1. A-2 Level - A passed of Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry with Specialization in Analytical / Applied / Industrial / Inorganic / Organic / Physical Chemistry/Graduate with relevant experience of
1 year in the field of Security/ B.Sc, B. Com with Physics or Maths as one of the subjects with proficiency in Typing 30 w.p.m./3 year’s diploma in relevant discipline or other relevant eligible qualification from any recognized University.
2. A-1 Level - A passed of 12th class with ITI in relevant trade from any recognized Board/University.
3. W -I Level - A passed of 12th or 10th class from any recognized Bard/University with ITI in Fire with 3 month fireman training and heavy vehicles driving license.
NOTE: Candidates who fulfill the qualifying criteria and having valid registration with the Employment Exchanges / Professional Employment Offices / Ex Servicemen Welfare Departments in the State of Tamil Nadu and Puduchery Union Territory may only apply. Candidates name and essential qualification must be registered in the Employment Exchange on or before closing date of online registration process.
PAY SCALE: As per details given below –
Rs. 12000 – 27000/- for A2 Level, Rs. 11000/- - 24000/- for A1 Level, Rs. 10000/- - 18000/- for W1 Level. An annual increment of 3% on Basic Pay is admissible.
REQUIRED AGE: Candidate’s age should be in between of 18 years – 27/30 years as on 20-10-2015.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
REQUIRED FEE: A non refundable Application fee of Rs. 300/- by General & OBC candidates and Rs. 150/- by ST/SC/PWD/ EXS candidates to be paid through chalan form in SBI. Candidates have to deposit the Registration Fee through the downloaded Challan Form, in any branch of State Bank of India. ONGC Account No. 30827318409. Branch Code: 1576 after paying, the Candidate has to preserve the counter foil of the SBI Challan, till the time of Interview.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test/ Physical Slandered test/Trade test and personal Interview.
ONGC Recruitment board will conduct a written test pattern Offline or OMR based written test of 100 marks in concerned discipline, 20 marks of General Awareness for A1 and W1 and 80 marks in concerned discipline and 40 marks for General Awareness for A2 Level.
The Written Test will be conducted at Chennai.
ONGC - WRITTEN TEST: 13-12-2015.
INSTRUCTION: To fill the online application form following details should be readily available with the Candidates:
1. Present Valid E-mail Id, since correspondence will be done through e-mail.
2. Mobile Number of the Candidate. The Mobile Number so registered by the Candidate should be kept active to receive SMS alerts throughout the recruitment process.
3. Name of the Employment Exchange / Ex Servicemen Welfare Department where registered, Registration Number, Current Validity.
4. Qualification, percentage of marks, year of passing and Name of Institute.
5. Date of Birth.
6. CPF No. for Departmental Candidates.
7. If candidate is Ex-Apprentice of ONGC, Place of ONGC where Apprentice Training held, Trade, and period of Training.
8. SC/ST/OBC Certificate in the prescribed format duly signed by Competent Authority.
9. In case of OBC, valid Non-creamy Layer Certificate in the prescribed format enclosed, applicable for appointment to posts in Central Govt. / Central Govt. Undertaking. Only those candidates whose caste name is in the Central List of OBCs and with Valid Non Creamy Layer Certificate will be treated as OBCs for the purpose of this recruitment.
10. Ex-Servicemen Details [Experience period, Date of discharge from Army, Reason for discharge].
11. PwD Candidates Details [Percentage of disability, Type of disability].
12. Details of valid Heavy Vehicle Driving Licence (wherever applicable).
13. Details of SBI payment Challan (Journal No, Branch Name, Branch code, Deposit date, where the Registration Fees has been paid).
14. Scanned copy of Candidate‟s pass-port size colour photograph (50 KB size).
15. Scanned signature of the Candidate (20 KB size).
HOW TO APPLY: For these posts eligible and interested willing candidates may apply online at official website up to 20-10-2015. Candidates must printout a hard copy of online application for future use.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Karaikal (Puducherry).
CONCLUSION: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) invites offline application for the recruitment of 110 vacant posts of various Junior Assistant Technician & Others in various disciplines on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through offline application up to 20-10-2015.
Candidates can download detail advt. /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age/ reservation in age/ required education qualification/ required application fee/ reservation for posts/ syllabus/ date of test/last date to apply/number of posts/name of department/ mode of selection/ how to apply and other instructions.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) has recently delivered an employment notification to fill up 110 vacancies of Junior Assistant Technician & Other posts on regular basis for Karaikal (Puducherry). Interested eligible candidates who are seeking jobs in Puducherry may apply online form official website of ONGC up to 20-10-2015 while other details of employment notification like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee details given above.
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