ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Apply for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Tutor, Senior Resident, Junior Resident 102 Vacancy,
ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Faculty Jobs,
ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Apply for Faculty Vacancy,
ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Professors 102 Posts,
इस विभाग में नई रिक्तियों हेतु यहाँ आवेदन करें –
NOTIFICATION: Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College, Hyderabad inviting offline applications for filling up 102 vacant posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Tutor, Senior Resident, Junior Resident from eligible and interested willing candidates. It is latest & useful information for unemployed personnel those who are looking for required Job in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers, who wish to apply for these new vacancies regarding Recruitment 2016, must have passed a recognized Medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part-II of the Third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 for Professor, Associate & Asst Professor, MBBS with MD/ MS/ MDS in the concerned specialty for Sr Resident, MBBS Degree from MCI recognized Medical college for Jr Resident & Tutor with relevant experience if asked. Applicant’s upper age should be asp er Govt rules 30/35/37 years. As per Govt rules age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates i. e.SC/ST/OBC/PWH/Ex Servicemen/Women candidates etc.
ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Faculty Jobs,
ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Apply for Faculty Vacancy,
ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Professors 102 Posts,
इस विभाग में नई रिक्तियों हेतु यहाँ आवेदन करें –
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in personal interview conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay+Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization news and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can attend walks in interview on 08, 09, 10 & 11-03-2016. ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2016 Attend Walks In Interview For 102 Medical Faculty Posts
ABOUT: The promulgation of Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948(ESI Act), by the Parliament was the first major legislation on social Security for workers in independent India. It was a time when the industry was still in a nascent stage and the country was heavily dependent on an assortment of imported goods from the developed or fast developing countries. The deployment of manpower in manufacturing processes was limited to a few select industries such as jute, textile, chemicals etc. The legislation on creation and development of a fool proof multi-dimensional Social Security system, when the country's economy was in a very fledgling state was obviously a remarkable gesture towards the socio economic amelioration of a workface though limited in number and geographic distribution. India, notwithstanding, thus, took the lead in providing organized social protection to the working class through statutory provisions.
LAST DATE TO APPLY: Walks in Interview on 08, 09, 10 & 11-03-2016.
NO.OF POSTS: 102 vacant posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Tutor, Senior Resident and Junior Residents in Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College, Hyderabad.
Discipline Wise Vacancies -
I. Professor: 06 Posts -
1. Anatomy: 01 Post.
2. Physiology: 01 Post.
3. Biochemistry: 01 Post.
4. General Medicine: 01 Post.
5. General Surgery: 01 Post.
6. OBG: 01 Post.
II. Associate Professor: 17 Posts -
1. Anatomy: 01 Post.
2. Physiology: 01 Post.
3. Biochemistry: 01 Post.
4. Pharmacology: 01 Post.
5. Pathology: 01 Post.
6. Microbiology: 01 Post.
7. Comm. Medicine: 01 Post.
8. General Medicine: 02 Posts.
9. Paediatrics: 01 Post.
10. General Surgery: 02 Posts.
11. Orthopedics: 01 Post.
12. OBG: 01 Post.
13. Anaesthesia: 02 Posts.
14. Radio Diagnosis: 01 Post.
III. Assistant Professor: 23 Posts -
1. Anatomy: 01 Post.
2. Physiology: 01 Post.
3. Biochemistry: 01 Post.
4. Pathology: 01 Post.
5. Forensic Medicine: 01 Post.
6. General Medicine: 03 Posts.
7. T.B./ Chest: 01 Post.
8. Dermatology: 01 Post.
9. Psychiatry: 01 Post.
10. General Surgery: 03 Posts.
11. Ophthalmology: 01 Post.
12. ENT: 01 Post.
13. OBG: 02 Posts.
14. Anaesthesia: 02 Posts.
15. Radio diagnosis: 01 Post.
16. Dentistry: 01 Post.
17. Haematology: 01 Post.
IV. Tutor: 14 Posts -
1. Anatomy: 03 Posts.
2. Physiology: 03 Posts.
3. Biochemistry: 03 Posts.
4. Pharmacology: 01 Post.
5. Pathology: 01 Post.
6. Microbiology: 01 Post.
7. Forensic Medicine: 01 Post.
8. Comm. Medicine: 01 Post.
V. Senior Resident: 15 Posts -
1. General Medicine: 03 Posts.
2. T.B./ Chest: 01 Post.
3. Dermatology: 01 Post.
4. General Surgery: 03 Posts.
5. Ophthalmology: 01 Post.
6. ENT: 01 Post.
7. OBG: 02 Posts.
8. Anaesthesia: 01 Post.
9. Radio diagnosis: 02 Posts.
VI. Junior Resident: 27 Posts -
1. General Medicine: 06 Posts.
2. T.B./ Chest: 01 Post.
3. Dermatology: 01 Post.
4. Psychiatry: 01 Post.
5. Paediatrics: 02 Posts.
6. General Surgery: 06 Posts.
7. Orthopedics: 01 Post.
8. Ophthalmology: 01 Post.
9. ENT: 01 Post.
10. OBG: 04 Posts.
11. Anaesthesia: 03 Posts.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: A passed of a recognized Medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part-II of the Third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 for Professor, Associate & Asst Professor, MBBS with MD/ MS/ MDS in the concerned specialty for Sr Resident, MBBS Degree from MCI recognized Medical college for Jr Resident & Tutor with relevant experience.
PAY SCALE: As per Govt rules - Pb-4 + GP Rs 8700 + NPA for Professor, PB-3 + GP Rs 7600 + NPA for Associate Professor, PB-3+ GP Rs 6600 + NPA for Assistant Professor, PB-3+GP 5400 + NPA for Tutors, PB-3+GP Rs 6600 + NPA for Senior Residents, PB-3+GP.
REQUIRED AGE: Candidate’s age should be as per Govt rules. Candidates should not exceed 37 years for Professor, Associate & Assistant Professor, 35 years for Senior Resident and 30 years for Junior Resident & Tutor as on the date of interview.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
REQUIRED FEE: A non refundable Application fee as per category, the given amount is to be paid by eligible candidate. Candidates have to pay Rs. 225/- through Demand Draft in favour of ‘ESI Fund Account No. I’, drawn on any scheduled bank payable at the respective city of the State.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Shortlisted & eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in personal interview.
Date & Time of Submission of Applications: 08, 09, 10 & 11-03-2016 upto 11:00 A.M.
Date of Interview: 08, 09, 10 & 11-03-2016.
Venue: The Office of the Dean, ESIC Super Specialty Hospital Sanathnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana.
HOW TO APPLY: For said posts eligible, willing and interested candidates may attend walks in interview along with signed application in the prescribed format affixing recent self attested passport size photograph on it, self attested copies of testimonials/ certificates, all original certificates in given time and venue on 08, 09, 10 & 11-03-2016.
The Office of the Dean, ESIC Super Specialty Hospital Sanathnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Medical College, Hyderabad.
CONCLUSION: Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Hyderabad invites offline application for the recruitment of 102 vacant posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Tutor, Senior Resident and Junior Resident on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can attend walks in interview on 08, 09, 10 & 11-03-2016.
Candidates can download detail advt. /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age/ reservation in age/ required education qualification/ required application fee/ reservation for posts/ syllabus/ date of test/last date to apply/number of posts/name of department/ mode of selection/ how to apply and other instructions.
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