Indian Army TES 37 Course 10+2 Entry July 2017 Online Apply
Indian Army 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme 2017 Online Application
Join Indian Army Recruitment 2017 for 10+2 Technical Branch
Indian Army Online Application 2016 For 10+2 TES Course-37
Indian Army 37th TES July 2017 | 10+2 TES Course 37 (90 Posts)
Indian Army TES 37 Course 10+2 Entry Scheme Jul 2017 Online Apply
Indian Army TES 2017 Technical Entry Scheme TES 37 for 90 Cadet Post
Indian Army Recruitment 90 Posts 10+2 TES 2017
Join Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme 2017 for 90 Vacancy
सरकारी नौकरियों की सत्य सूचनाएं यहाँ से प्राप्त करें, इस विभाग में नई रिक्तियों हेतु यहाँ आवेदन करें
Indian Army 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme 2017 Online Application
Join Indian Army Recruitment 2017 for 10+2 Technical Branch
Indian Army Online Application 2016 For 10+2 TES Course-37
Indian Army 37th TES July 2017 | 10+2 TES Course 37 (90 Posts)
Indian Army TES 37 Course 10+2 Entry Scheme Jul 2017 Online Apply
Indian Army TES 2017 Technical Entry Scheme TES 37 for 90 Cadet Post
Indian Army Recruitment 90 Posts 10+2 TES 2017
Join Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme 2017 for 90 Vacancy
सरकारी नौकरियों की सत्य सूचनाएं यहाँ से प्राप्त करें, इस विभाग में नई रिक्तियों हेतु यहाँ आवेदन करें
NOTIFICATION: Indian Army (Government of India, Ministry of Defence) inviting online applications for filling up 90 vacant posts of Permanent Commission Officer under 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course – 37 (TES) Course commencing from July 2017 from eligible and interested willing unmarried male candidates. It is latest & good information for unemployed personnel those who are looking for these new Jobs in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers, who wish to apply for these vacancies regarding Recruitment 2016, must have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Applicant’s upper age should be as per Govt rules and age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates i.e.SC/ST/OBC/candidates etc.
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in written test, SSB interview test and medical test conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay +Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can apply through online. Indian Army 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme 2017 Online Application
NO OF POSTS: 90 vacant posts of Permanent Commission Officer under 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course - 37 (TES) commencing from Jul 2017 in Indian Army.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: A passed of 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from any recognized Board/ Institute/ University.
PAY SCALE: During training period candidates will be paid stipend of Rs.21000/- per month. On completion of training they will be commissioned in the rank of Lt. and entitled to pay as admissible to the rank. The candidates will be given a stipend of Rs. 21,000/- p.m. (Rs. 15600-39100/- +GP Rs. 5400/-+MSP Rs.6000/-).
REQUIRED AGE: Candidate’s required age should be in between of 16½ years to 19½ years as on the first day of the month in which the course is commencing i.e. the candidate should not be born before 01-01-1998 & not after 01-01-2001 (both days inclusive) for Indian Army Online Application 2016 For 10+2 TES Course-37.
AGE RELAXATION: As per Govt rules age relaxation is applicable for said post to all reserved category candidates.
TYPE OF COMMISSION: As per given details below –
(A) - Grant of Commission: Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lt from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at IMA, whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lt during training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after successful completion of training.
(B) - Permanent Commission: On successful completion of total 04 years training, the candidates will be commissioned in the rank of Lt. They will be granted seniority on overall order of merit of the three technical institutes combined i.e. CME, MCTE, MCEME and in case the date of commissioning coincides with that of IMA, Dehradun, they will be placed en-block junior to IMA (NDA / ACC / DE Course) but above TGC / UES course.
(1) Candidates will be shortlisted based on cut% applied as decided by the Rtg Dte.
(2) Shortlisted candidates will be intimated via e-mail/sms regarding their Selection Centre allotment.
(3) Once Selection Centre has been allotted, candidates will select their SSB dates of first cum first service basis by logging on to respective Selection Centre links forwarded via e-mail.
(4) Short listed candidates will be put through Services Selection Board (SSB) interview at Bhopal, Bangalore or Allahabad. Interviews will be held in Feb/Mar 2017 onward.
(5) Duration of SSB interviews is five days excluding day of arrival. During their stay at SSB, Candidates are put through psychological Test, Group test and Interviews.
(6) Candidates will be put through stage-I of the selection procedure on the first day. Only successful candidates shall be retained for balance of the testing. Candidates who fail to qualify in stage -I, will be returned on the first day itself, Stage I are psychologically originated test including intelligence test.
(7) Successful candidates at the SSB will be required to undergo medical test lasting 3 to 5 days less Sundays and gazetted holidays.
(8) Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit, will be appointed for training in the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available.
(9) The finally selected candidates will execute all the Bonds/Certificates as prescribed for the Cadets of NDA entry under Al 53/ 78.
(10) Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for AC III tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits.
NOTE: Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission will not entitled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion.
ENTITLEMENT FOR TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE: Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for ACIII Tier to and fro railway fare or bus face including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission will not be entitled to travelling allowances on any subsequent occasion.
TRAINING: Duration of training is 5 years -
(A) Basic Military Training : 1 year (Officer Training Academy Gaya).
(B) Technical Training: (i) Phase-I (Pre Commission Training): 3 years (CME Pune or MCTE Mhow or MCEME Secunderabad), (ii) Phase-II (Post Commission Training): 1 year at CME Pune or MCTE Mhow or MCEME Secunderabad.
(C) Award of Degree: The candidates will be awarded Engineering degree after successful completion of training as given out in para 6 (a) and (b) above. No ante date seniority will be admissible to candidates on account of this Engineering degree. In case they fail to qualify in the following year examination, the same will result in loss of seniority to them and they will for fiet seniority to the extent of delay in passing Engineering degree examination. If they fail to qualify even within 3 years of their commissioning, their commission will be terminated.
PHYSICAL STANDARDS: As per details given below-
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: The minimum acceptable height and weight for men is 157.5 cms with correlated weight. In case of candidates belonging to the North East and hilly areas like Gorkhas, Nepalese, Assamese and Garhwalis, the height will be relaxed by 5 cms and weight commensurate with reduced height. In case of candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cms.
VISUAL STANDARDS: The minimum acceptable visual acuity are : Distant vision (corrected) better eye 6/6, worse 6/18, Myopia of not more than minus 3.5 including Astigmation. Candidates who have undergone or have evidence for having undergone Radial Karatotomy to improve the visual acuity will be permanently rejected. Candidates who have undergone Lasik Surgery for Correction of reflective error are NOT acceptable.
PERMANENT BODY TATTOOS: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidates will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoos marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis.
TO PASS FIT: A candidate must be in good physical and mental health free from any disability.
NOTE: Prospective candidates are advised to exercise and keep themselves physically fit, in order to avoid any injury due to the rigorous physical training at Indian Military Academy. In order to be able to adjust to the regime there candidates are advised to achieve following standards before joining the IMA, if finally selected -
(a) Running 2.4 Km in 15 minutes.
(b) Push ups - 13 Nos.
(c) Sit ups - 25 Nos.
(d) Chin ups - 6 Nos.
(e) Rope climbing - 3-4 metres.
REQUIRED APPLICATION FEE: For said vacancy a non refundable application fee is to be paid by the candidates as per rules. No application fee required.
POST RESERVATION: All reserved category candidates ie. SC/ST/OBC (as applicable) are being selected for said post/s as per existing Govt policy/rules.
SELECTION PROCESS: Applicants who are screened for applicability/eligibility are being selected as per organization policy/rules depending on the basis of their performance in written test, SSB interview test and medical test.
HOW TO APPLY: For said posts (Indian Army Online Application 2016 For 10+2 TES Course-37) eligible, willing and interested candidates may apply through online at official website up to 07-12-2016. Applicants must retain a hard copy for future reference.
Instruction to Apply Online -
1. Open the link provided below & fill the application online-
2. Submit own all required details after rechecking all entries in correct & true manner.
3. Upload scanned copies of photograph & signature.
4. Submit the online application after completion.
5. After submitting online application, candidates are required to obtain two copies of the application printout and the Roll Number generated by the system. One copy of the print out application duly Signed by the candidate will be carried to the selection centre for the SSB interview.
Following documents will be carried along with the Application Form -
(i) Class 10th Certificate/Mark sheet showing DOB in original.
(ii) Class 12th Certificate/Mark sheet in original.
(iii) ID proof in original.
6. Two self attested photocopies of the above mentioned certificates will be submitted at the time of SSB interview and originals will be returned after verification at the SSB itself.
7. Twenty copies of self attested PP size photograph will also be carried along with the application Form.
8. The second copy of the printout of online application is to be retained by the candidate for his reference. No need to send any hard copy to: DG Rtg / Rtg Dte.
CONCLUSION: Indian Army invites online application for the recruitment of 90 vacant posts of Permanent Commission Officer under 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course - 37 commencing from Jul 2017 in Indian Army on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through online application up to 07-12-2016.
Candidates can download detailed advertisement /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age, reservation in age, required education qualification, required application fee, reservation for posts, syllabus, date of test, last date to apply, number of vacant posts, name of department, mode of selection, how to apply and other instructions.
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LAST DATE TO APPLY: 07-12-2016 for Indian Army Online Application 2016 For 10+2 TES Course-37.
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