Indian Army 125th TGC Jul 2017 Apply Online for 40 Vacancies
Indian Army TGC 125 Notification 2017 Apply Online (40 Vacancies)
Indian Army 125th TGC Jul 2017 Batch Apply for 40 Posts
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Indian Army TGC Recruitment 2016 for 125th Technical Graduation Course
Army Technical Graduate Course TGC-125 July 2017 Apply Online
Indian Army TGC-125 (Jul-2017) Apply online for 40 Posts
सरकारी नौकरियों की सत्य सूचनाएं यहाँ से प्राप्त करें, इस विभाग में नई रिक्तियों हेतु यहाँ आवेदन करें
Indian Army TGC 125 Notification 2017 Apply Online (40 Vacancies)
Indian Army 125th TGC Jul 2017 Batch Apply for 40 Posts
Join Indian Army Recruitment 2017 at Jobs
Indian Army TGC Recruitment 2016 for 125th Technical Graduation Course
Army Technical Graduate Course TGC-125 July 2017 Apply Online
Indian Army TGC-125 (Jul-2017) Apply online for 40 Posts
सरकारी नौकरियों की सत्य सूचनाएं यहाँ से प्राप्त करें, इस विभाग में नई रिक्तियों हेतु यहाँ आवेदन करें
NOTIFICATION: Indian Army inviting online applications for filling up 40 vacant posts of Permanent Commissioned Officers in various disciplines as Technical Officer through 125th Technical Graduate Course (TGC-125) (Jul 2017) from eligible married / unmarried Male and interested willing candidates. Course commencing in Jul 2017 at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun, Uttarakhand. It is latest & good information for unemployed personnel those who are looking for these new Jobs in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers, who wish to apply for these vacancies regarding Recruitment 2016, must have passed Engineering Degree or be in the final year of Engineering Degree course. Applicant’s upper age should be as per Govt rules and age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates i.e.SC/ST/OBC candidates etc.
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in written exam, interview and medical test conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay +Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can apply through online mode up to 07-12-2016. Indian Army TGC Recruitment 2016 for 125th Technical Graduation Course
NO. OF POSTS: 40 vacancies of Permanent Commission Officer in Technical branch in 125th Technical Graduate Course (TGC-125) (Jul 2017 Course).
BRANCH WISE VACANCY - Technical Officer-
1. Civil: (Civil Engg, Civil Engg (Structural Engg), Structural Engg): 11 posts.
2. Mechanical: (Mechanical Engg, Mechanical (Mechatronics) Engg, Mechanical & Automation Engg): 04 posts.
3. Eectrical / Electrical & Eectronics: (Electrical Engg, Electrical Engg (Electronics & Power), Power System Engg, Electrical & Electro nics Engg: 05 posts.
4. Computer Sc & Engg/ Computer Technology/ Info Tech/ M.Sc (Computer Science): (Computer Engg, Computer Science, Computer Science Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Information Science & Engg): 06 posts.
5. Electronics & Telecommunication/ Tele communication/ Electronics & Communication/ Satellite Communication: (Electronics & Telecommunication Engg, Telecommunication Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Electronics & Electrical Communication Engg): 06 posts.
6. Electronics: (Power Electronics & Drives): 02 posts.
7. Metallurgical: (Metallurgical Engg, Metallurgy & Material Technology, Metallurgy & Material Engg, Metallurgy & Engg & Material Science, Metallurgy and Explosives): 02 posts.
8. Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation: (Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg, Electronics & Instrumentation Engg, Electronics & Instrumentation & Control Engg,, Instrumentation & Control Engg, Instrumentation Technology): 02 posts.
9. Micro Electronics & Microwave: 02 posts.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: A passed of Engineering Degree or be in the final year of Engineering Degree course. The candidates in the final year of Degree Course should complete all their examinations related to the degree, prior to 01 Jul 2017. They should be able to produce the Engineering Degree within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at IMA. Such candidates will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis for recovery of the cost of training at IMA as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay & allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite Degree Certificate within the specified time.
REQUIRED AGE: Candidate’s age should be in between of 20 to 27 years as on 01 Jul 2017. ((Candidates born between 02 Jul 90 and 01 Jul 97, both dates inclusive).
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable as per the Govt. rules for SC/ ST & OBC category candidates.
REQUIRED FEE: No application fee is required.
PAY & ALLOWANCES: Rs.21,000/- p.m. (Rs. 15,600/- as pay in Pay Band + Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400/-) for Indian Army 125th TGC Jul 2017 Apply Online for 40 Vacancies.
POST RESERVATION: The reservation for different categories will be regulated as per provision of the Govt. of India as amended from time to time.
TYPE OF COMMISSION: As per given details below -
(A) - Grant of Commission: Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lt from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at IMA, whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lt during training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after successful completion of training.
(B) - Permanent Commission: On successful completion of training cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt. Officers may be granted commission in any arms/services and will be liable for service in any part of the world on selected appointments as decided by Army Headquarters from time to time.
SELECTION PROCESS: The applicants will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test, interview test and medical test.
1 - Short listing of Applications - Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) reserves the right to shortlist applications and to fix cutoff percentage of marks for each Engineering discipline/ stream without assigning any reason.
2 - Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will be interviewed at Selection Centres, Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP) and Bangalore (Karnataka) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by the respective Selection Centres, through candidate's registered e-mail id and through SMS only. Candidates will not be interviewed locally. Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of DG Rtg, IHQ MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard.
3 - SSB Interviews will be held from Jun 2016 on wards.
4 - Candidates will put through 2 stage selection procedure. Those who clear Stage I will go to Stage II. Those who fail in Stage I will be returned on the same date. Duration of SSB interviews is 5 days excluding day of arrival and details of the same are available at official website.
ENTITLEMENT FOR TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE: Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for ACIII Tier to and fro railway fare or bus face including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission will not be entitled to travelling allowances on any subsequent occasion.
TRAINING: Duration of training is one year-
A- Selected candidates will be detailed for training at Indian Military Academy, Dehradun according to their position in the final order of merit up to the number of vacancies available in each subject.
B- Candidates neither are allowed to marry during the period of training nor he be allowed to live with parents/Guardians. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the government. A candidate, who marries subsequent to the date of his application, though successful, will not be selected for training.
PHYSICAL STANDARDS: As per details given below-
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: The minimum acceptable height and weight for men is 157.5 cms with correlated weight. In case of candidates belonging to the North East and hilly areas like Gorkhas, Nepalese, Assamese and Garhwalis, the height will be relaxed by 5 cms and weight commensurate with reduced height. In case of candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cms.
VISUAL STANDARDS: The minimum acceptable visual acuity are : Distant vision (corrected) better eye 6/6, worse 6/18, Myopia of not more than minus 3.5 including Astigmation. Candidates who have undergone or have evidence for having undergone Radial Karatotomy to improve the visual acuity will be permanently rejected. Candidates who have undergone Lasik Surgery for correction of reflective error are NOT acceptable.
PERMANENT BODY TATTOOS: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidates will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoos marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis.
TO PASS FIT: A candidate must be in good physical and mental health free from any disability.
NOTE: Prospective candidates are advised to exercise and keep themselves physically fit, in order to avoid any injury due to the rigorous physical training at Indian Military Academy. In order to be able to adjust to the regime there candidates are advised to achieve following standards before joining the IMA, if finally selected:- (a) Running 2.4 Km in 15 minutes (b) Push ups - 13 Nos (c) Sit ups - 25 Nos (d) Chin ups - 6 Nos (e) Rope climbing - 3-4 metres.
HOW TO APPLY: For these posts (Indian Army 125th TGC Jul 2017 Apply Online for 40 Vacancies) eligible willing and interested candidates may apply online through official website up to 07-12-2016. Applicant must retain with him a hard copy of online filled up application form which may be required at the time of other part of selection along with original and photocopies of all certificates. There is no need to send any hard copy of application/documents to Indian Army. Date and venue of candidates’ selection will be intimated to the eligible candidates by Indian Army in due course.
PROCEDURE TO APPLY ONLINE: Applicant must have a valid E mail ID, & Mobile No., scanned photo and scanned signature before applying online Indian Army may send call letter through this Email address. Follow all instructions to apply online.
1- Open the link provided below & fill in the application online.
2. Submit own all required details after rechecking all entries in correct & true manner.
3. Upload scanned copies of photograph & signature.
4. Submit the online application after completion.
5. After candidate is satisfied that all information is correct and photograph & signature have been correctly uploaded, proceed to make online payment.
6. Candidate will select payment option: Debit Card, Internet Banking, and Credit Card
7. Candidate will select the bank and be re-directed to the bank payment page.
8. Fill in the required details and proceed to make payment.
9. Print out a hard copy for further usage.
CONCLUSION: Indian Army invites online application for the recruitment of 40 vacant posts of Permanent Commission Officer in Technical Officers on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through online application up to 07-12-2016.
Candidates can download detail advt. /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age/ reservation in age/ required education qualification/ required application fee/ reservation for posts/ syllabus/ date of test/last date to apply/number of posts/name of department/ mode of selection/ how to apply and other instructions.
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 07-12-2016 for Indian Army 125th TGC Jul 2017 Apply Online for 40 Vacancies.
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