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Award schemes by Niti Aayog announces to push online payments

Go Digital Cashless and win Awards

Go Cashless! NITI Aayog Introduces Rs. 1 Crore two Lucky Draw to Promote Digital Transactions

Indian NITI Aayog announces daily, weekly and mega-awards on digital transactions to promote cashless payments

भारतीय नीति आयोग का डिजिटल पेमेंट पर ऐलान, कैशलेस पेमेंट पर पाएं ढेरों पुरष्कार -


1. On 15th Dec 2016 Indian NITI Aayog announced a lottery with weekly, monthly and mega awards to incentivize cashless transactions.

2. NITI Aayog CEO Shree Amitabh Kant said the objective is to make digital payments a mass movement in the country.

3. NEW DELHI:      NITI Aayog CEO Shree Amitabh Kant today announced what he called a "Christmas gift to the Nation," a bonanza of cash rewards to promote digital transactions as the Government pitches a cashless economy after the notes ban. The schemes - called the "Lucky Grahak Yojana" for customers first and the 'Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana' for merchants second - begins on December 25, Christmas Day and a total Rs. 340/- crore will be given in prizes for both customers and merchants selected through lucky draws in India.

4. Amitabh Kant said the schemes would cover small transactions between Rs. 50/- and Rs. 3000/-. The objective is to encourage all sections of society to transition to making digital payments. It is estimated that only five per cent Indians make digital payments and the rest use cash.

5. He said "Our objective is to make digital payments a mass movement. Beginning December 25, the NPCI will announce 15000 winners of 1000 Rupees for the next 100 days. It will be a Christmas gift to the Nation".

6. Our first draw will be held on December 25 and the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) will announce the 15000 winners who will get Rs. 1000/- each day for the next 100 days. There will also be 7000 weekly awards each for consumers and merchants.

7. On April 14 the birth anniversary of Dalit icon B. R.Ambedkar a mega draw will be held. Consumers can win awards of Rs. 1 crore, Rs. 50 lakh and Rs. 25 lakh while merchants can win Rs. 50 lakh, Rs. 25 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh.

•  "The focus of Lucky Grahak and Digi-Dhan Yojana is on poor, middle class and small businesses
so as to bring them into the digital payments revolution" said Mr Kant. He said those who use credit cards and e-wallets of private companies will not be eligible to participate in this scheme.

Those who pay using Government issued RuPay cards or through the Unified Payment Interface (UPI), Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) and Aadhar-Enabled Payment Systems will be eligible for lucky draws.

Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi had announced a sudden ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes on November 8, aimed at combating black money and money laundering. The transition to a cashless economy is the next big step in that battle against corruption, the Government has said.

The National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, the Government's policy think-tank, on Thursday announced a lottery with daily, weekly and mega awards for consumers and merchants, to encourage a transition to digital payments.

NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said - The awards will be offered through 2 schemes - the Lucky Grahak Yojana for consumers, and the Digi-dhan Vyapar Yojana for merchants at an estimated cost of Rs 340 crore, .

Kant explained - Both the schemes will cover small transactions between Rs 50/- and Rs 3000/- to encourage every section of the society to move to digital payments.

Terming it a 'Christmas Gift' to the country, Kant said the first draw will happen on December 25 and the mega-draw on April 14, on eve of the birth anniversary of B R Ambedkar.

Kant added "(The) focus of Lucky Grahak and Digi-Dhan Yojana is on poor, middle class and small businesses so as to bring them into digital payments revolution,".

 National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) will implement the schemes.

Weekly and daily awards: 

Under the Lucky Grahak Yojana, 15000 winners will get cashback prizes of Rs 1000/- each every day for a 100 day period starting on December 25 (Christmas) and ending on April 13 next year.

In addition, there will be weekly awards worth Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10000/- and Rs 5000/-.

For merchant scheme 'Digi-Dhan Vyapar Yojana', there will be weekly prizes worth Rs 50,000, Rs 5,000 and Rs 2,500 to be announced during this period.

There will be 7000 weekly awards each for consumers and merchants.

Mega awards:

In addition, a mega-awards will be announced on April 14 for both consumers and merchants, for doing transactions digitally between December 25 and April 14 next year.

For consumers, the first prize is Rs 1 crore, the second prize is Rs 50 lakh, and the third is Rs 25 lakh. For merchants, the prizes are Rs 50 lakh, Rs 25 lakh, and Rs 5 lakh, respectively.

Kant explained - There will be a random draw of digital transaction IDs to select awardees.

All forms of transactions through UPI, USSD, Aadhar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) and RuPay cards will be eligible for lucky draws.

Not Valid:         However, NITI Aayog also said the scheme isn't applicable for transactions done through private credit cards and e-wallets of private companies.

NITI Aayog had requested National Payments Corporation of India (NITI) to conceptualize and launch a new scheme to incentivize digital payments. NPCI is a not-for-profit company which is charged with the responsibility of helping India becomes a cashless society.

Digital transactions post-demonetization -

Giving details on digital transactions post demonetization of old Rs 500/1000 notes, Kant said PoS transactions witnessed a jump of 95% since November 8 (till December 7).

RuPay Card transactions were up 316 %  and e-wallet 271%, while both UPI about and USSD witnessed increase of about 1200% each.

Niti Aayog on Thursday announced awards for people making payments through digital means. Niti Aayog’s CEO Amitabh Kant made the key announcement in a press conference.

•15,000 winners will get Rs 1000/- each for 100 days starting Christmas. The scheme runs from December 25, 2016, to April 14, 2017.

• 7,000 weekly draws with maximum prize of Rs 1 lakh each for consumers and maximum award of Rs 50,000 each for merchants

• On April 14, a mega award of Rs 1 crore will be announced for consumers. The second prize will be of Rs 50 lakh and third of Rs 25 lakh.

Eligibility:       The scheme will not cover transactions above Rs 5000/- and below Rs 50/-.

•The scheme will not cover B2B transactions.

•Transactions using RuPay, USSD, UPI and AEPS will only be covered under this scheme; payments made through credit cards and e-wallets won’t be covered.

Niti Aayog’s announcement comes days after the finance ministry declared multiple incentives - ranging from discounts on fuel, highway toll and railway tickets to cheaper insurance cover – for those using digital payment modes.

The government has come under opposition attack for its November 8 move to recall Rs 500/- and Rs 1000/- notes but it has repeatedly defended itself, saying the decision was necessary to stamp out black money and counterfeit currency.

In recent weeks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also extolled the virtues of a cashless society, giving examples of beggars using ATM machines, and said any pain from a shortage of cash was temporary and that the move will benefit the country in the long run.

भारतीय नीति आयोग का डिजिटल पेमेंट पर ऐलान, कैशलेस पेमेंट पर पाएं ढेरों पुरष्कार -

15 Dec 2016 - नई दिल्ली:   डिजिटल और कैशलेस पेमेंट्स को बढ़ावा देने के लिए भारतीय नीति आयोग ने गुरुवार को ग्राहकों और दुकानदारों के लिए इनसेंटिव्स का ऐलान किया। नीति आयोग के सी ई श्री ओ अमिताभ कांत ने गुरुवार को प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस कर 25 दिसंबर से अगले 100 दिन तक लकी ग्राहक योजना के तहत 15000 उपभोक्ताओं को प्रतिदिन 1000 रुपये के पुरष्कार दिए जाने की घोषणा की है। इसके अलावा व्यापारियों को भी डिजि धन व्यापार योजना के तहत 50000 रुपये दिए जाने की घोषणा की।

श्री अमिताभ कांत ने कहा कि एक सप्ताह में डिजिटल पेमेंट करने वाले दुकानदारों को एक सप्ताह में 7000 पुरष्कार दिए जाएंगे। श्री अमिताभ कांत ने कहा कि क्रिसमस डे से शुरू हो रही लकी ग्राहक योजना के तहत एनपीसीआई यानी नैशनल पेमेंट्स कमिशन ऑफ इंडिया की ओर से अगले 100 दिनों तक 15000 विजेताओं को प्रतिदिन 1000 रुपये का पुरष्कार दिया जाएगा। इसके अलावा 14 अप्रैल को तीन मेगा ड्रॉ भी होंगे। इसमें विजेताओं को 1 करोड़, 50 लाख और 25 लाख का इनाम दिया जाएगा।

क्या हैं नई योजनाएं ? जानिए -

1 - लकी ग्राहक योजना -

a-डिजिटल पेमेंट्स करने वाले ग्राहकों को मिलेगा पुरष्कार ।

b-हर दिन 1000 रुपये का कैश बैक प्राइज जीतने का रहेगा मौका।

c-एक लाख, 10000 और 5000 रुपये के साप्ताहिक इनाम जीतने का भी रहेगा मौका।

d-एक करोड़, 50 लाख और 25 लाख रुपये के 3 मेगा प्राइज ग्राहकों के लिए।

2 - डिजि धन व्यापार योजना -

a-डिजिटल ट्रांजैक्शन करने वाले व्यापारियों को मिलेंगे पुरष्कार।

b-हर सप्ताह 50000, 5000 और 2500 रुपये के इनाम मिलेंगे।

c-इस योजना के तहत 7000 व्यापारियों को मिलेंगे पुरष्कार।

d-व्यापारियों के लिए 3 मेगा प्राइज का भी ऐलान।

e-50 लाख, 25 लाख और 12 लाख रुपये के तीन मेगा प्राइज व्यापारियों के लिए।

पिछले दिनों वित्त मंत्री श्री अरुण जेटली ने भी कैशलेस इकॉनमी को बढ़ावा देने के लिए डिजिटल पेमेंट्स पर 11 प्रकार की छूटों को ऐलान किया था। इनमें बीमा, रेलवे और पेट्रोल पंप पर खरीद समेत कई अहम ट्रांजैक्शंस शामिल हैं।