AIIMS Bhopal Non Faculty 169 Posts Recruitment 2018,
AIIMS Bhopal (169 Posts) Non Faculty Bharti 2018,
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018 for 169 Non –Faculty Group 'B' Posts,
Non-faculty Recruitment in AIIMS Bhopal 2018,
AIIMS Bhopal Non Faculty Vacancy 2018 Posts 169 Apply Now,
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018-19 Group B 169 Posts,
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018 Apply Online 169 Non –Faculty Group 'B' Vacancies,
AIIMS Bhopal Non –Faculty Group 'B' Vacancy 2018 for 169 Posts,
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018 for 169 Junior Engineer, Office Assistant Posts,
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018 for Non Faculty 169 Posts,
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018 for 169 Junior Engineers, Office Assistant, Multiple Vacancies,
आल इंडिया इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ मेडिकल साइंस भोपाल ने १६९ ग्रुप बी विभिन्न गैर शिक्षण रिक्तियों के लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित किये हैं इच्छुक उम्मीदवार यहाँ आवेदन कर सकते हैं। आवेदन करने से पहले पूर्ण अधिसूचना यहाँ पढ़ें ।
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in CBT and Skill test conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt. rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can apply through online mode. Advertisement No.: AIIMS Bpl/Rectt. Cell/Gr. B/Non- Faculty/ 2018 /03. AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018 for 169 Junior Engineers, Office Assistant, Multiple Vacancies
PLACE OF POSTING: Madhya Pradesh.
Today's Current Vacancy/आज की नई रिक्तियां
NO OF POSTS: 169 vacant posts of Non –Faculty Group ‘B’ (Office Assistant, Store Keeper, Technician, Junior Engineer, MSSO & others) in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhopal.
Post Wise Vacancies –
1. Medical Social Service Officer Grade I-10 Posts.
2. Dietitian-08 Posts.
3. Private Secretary-05 Posts.
4. Psychiatric Social Worker-03 Posts.
5. Medico Social Worker-03 Posts.
6. Assistant Administrative Officer-02 Posts.
7. Programmer (Data Processing Assistant)-02 Posts.
8. Chief Cashier-01 Post.
9. Maternity and Child Welfare Officer-01 Post.
10. Bio Medical Engineer-01 Post.
11. PACS Administrator-01 Post.
12. Vocation Counsellor-01 Post.
13. Senior Hindi Officer-01 Post.
14. Assistant Stores Officer-02 Posts.
15. Assistant Engineer (Civil)-03 Posts.
16. Assistant Engineer (Electrical)-01 Post.
17. Assistant Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration)-01 Post.
18. Manager/ Supervisor/Gas Officer-01 Post.
19. Office Assistant (NS)-25 Posts.
20. Store Keeper-14 Posts.
21. Radiographic Technician Grade-I-15 Posts.
22. Medical Record Officer-04 Posts.
23. CSSD Technician-6 Posts.
24. Junior Engineer (Civil)-06 Posts.
25. Personal Assistant-06 Posts.
26. Warden (Hostel Warden)-04 Posts.
27. Junior Accounts Officer (Accountant)-04 Posts.
28. Multi-Rehabilitation Worker (Physiotherapist)-04 Posts.
29. Technical Officer (Dental)/ Dental Technician-04 Posts.
30. Technical Officer Ophthalmology (Refractionist)-04 Posts.
31. Librarian Grade-III-04 Posts.
32. Junior Engineer (Electrical)-04 Posts.
33. Junior Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration)-04 Posts.
34. Junior Hindi Translator-02 Posts.
35. Radiotherapy Technician Grade-II-02 Posts.
36. Physiotherapist-02 Posts.
37. Occupational Therapist-02 Posts.
38. TB & Chest Diseases Health Assistant-02 Posts.
39. Junior Reception Officer-01 Post.
40. Speech Pathologist-01 Post.
41. Audiologist-01 Post.
42. Electro Cardiograph Technical Assistant-01 Post.
43. Health Educator (Social Psychologist)-01 Post.
44. Technician Prosthetics & Orthotics-01 Post.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: A passed of MA (Social Work) / MSW/ M.Sc. (Home Science – Food and Nutrition)/M.Sc. (Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics)/ M.Sc. (Food Science & Nutrition)/M.Sc. (Food and Nutrition Dietetics)/M.Sc. (Food Service Management and Dietetics) /Degree/Diploma/ Certificate in Secretarial Practice/ M.A. or M.Sc. degree in Psychology/ Psychiatric Social Work/MBA/ PG diploma in management/BE/B.Tech (Comp. Sc./Comp.Engg.) OR Post Graduation in Computer Application / Graduate in Commerce/Degree or Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery /B.E./B.Tech in Bio Medical Engineering/Post Graduate Degree in Psychology/Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology /Vocational Counselling / Vocational Guidance and Training /Vocational Rehabilitation/Post-graduate Degree/Diploma in Material Management/Graduate in Civil Engineering/Electrical Engineering /Mechanical / Electrical /Degree in Mechanical Engineering/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 7 years working experience /B.Sc. (Hons.) (3 years course) in Radiography/B. Sc. (Microbiology or Medical Technology)/Diploma in Civil Engineering/Diploma/Certificate in House Keeping/Material Management /Public Relations/Estate Management/Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy/10 + 2 with Science/B.Sc. in Ophthalmic Techniques /Bachelor Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Service/Master's Degree/Diploma in Radiotherapy/Radiology/Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Therapy/B.Sc. (Hons) Nursing/Diploma in Nursing/BASLP (Bachelors in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology)/Certificate /Diploma Course in Echocardiography/M.A. / M.Sc. Degree in Psychology /Bachelor’s Degree in Prosthetics & Orthotics in concerned stream from any recognized Institution with required years’ experience in a 200 bedded Hospital.
PAY SCALE: As per details given below –
1. Medical Social Service Officer Grade I: Rs. 9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-.
2. Dietitian: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
3. Private Secretary: Rs. 9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
4. Psychiatric Social Worker: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
5. Medical Social Worker: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
6. Assistant Administrative Officer: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
7. Programmer (Data Processing Assistant): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-.
8. Chief Cashier: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
9. Maternity and Child Welfare Officer: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
10. Bio Medical Engineer: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
11. PACS Administrator: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
12. Vocation Counsellor: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
13. Senior Hindi Officer: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
14. Assistant Stores Officer: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
15. Assistant Engineer (Civil): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
16. Assistant Engineer (Electrical): Rs. 9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
17. Assistant Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay
18. Manager/Supervisor/Gas Officer: Rs. 9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4600/-.
19. Office Assistant (NS): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
20. Store Keeper: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
21. Radiographic Technician Grade I: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
22. Medical Record Officer: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
23. CSSD Technician: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
24. Junior Engineer (Civil): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
25. Personal Assistant: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
26. Warden (Hostel Warden): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
27. Junior Account Officer (Accountant): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
28. Multi-Rehabilitation Worker (Physiotherapist): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
29. Technical Officer (Dental) / Dental Technician: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
30. Technical Officer Ophthalmology (Refractionist): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
31. Librarian Grade III: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
32. Junior Engineer (Electrical): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
33. Junior Engineer (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
34. Junior Hindi Translator: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
35. Radiotherapy Technician Grade II: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
36. Physiotherapist: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
37. Occupational Therapist: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
38. TB & Chest Diseases Health Assistant: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
39. Junior Reception Officer: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
40. Speech Pathologist: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
41. Audiologist: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
42. Electro Cardiograph Technical Assistant: Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
43. Health Educator (Social Psychologist): Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
44. Technician Prosthetics & Orthotics Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs.4200/-.
AGE LIMIT: Candidate’s required age should be in between of 18/21- 30/35, 30 - 40/45 years as on 03-05-2018 for AIIMS Bhopal Non –Faculty Group 'B' Vacancy 2018 for 169 Posts.
AGE RELAXATION: As per Govt. rules age relaxation is applicable for said post to all reserved category candidates.
REQUIRED APPLICATION FEE: For said vacancy a non- refundable application fee is to be paid by the candidates as per rules. Rs. 1000/- + transaction charges if applicable by General and OBC candidates to be paid on-line at the time of submission of application form.
No fee from OPH, SC, ST and Women candidates.
POST RESERVATION: All reserved category candidates ie. SC/ST/OBC/ PWD/ Women/Ex Servicemen/Widows etc (as applicable) are being selected for said post/s as per existing Govt. policy/rules.
SELECTION PROCESS: Applicants who are screened for applicability/eligibility are being selected as per organization policy/rules depending on the basis of their performance in CBT and Skill test.
HOW TO APPLY: For said posts (AIIMS Bhopal Non Faculty Vacancy 2018 Posts 169 Apply Now) eligible, willing and interested candidates may apply through online mode at official website last date. Applicants must retain a printed copy of on-line application form for future reference. Applicants must send the duly filled and signed hardcopy of the submitted online application form along with self-attested photocopies of their proof of date of birth, eligibility qualification mark sheets, degrees, experience certificates, caste/PwD certificates and other relevant testimonials by speed post/registered post only up to 18-05-2018 to:
“The Senior Administrative officer All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Administrative Block, 1st Floor of Medical College Building Saket Nagar, Bhopal-462020 (M.P.)”.
NOTE: The envelope containing the application form must be superscribed as ‘Application for direct Recruitment Group ‘B’ post of ...........................'.
Instruction to Apply Online –
1. Log in to the online on their official website
2. Download the official notification and read the requirements carefully
3. Next click on “AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018”.
4. Now fill in application form in correct manner with relevant details.
5. Upload relevant documents/ testimonials and upload images.
6. Pay the application fee if required.
7. Re check your filled in application form and hit on “Submit” button.
8. Take a print out of the copy and save for future reference.
CONTACT ADDRESS: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Saket Nagar, Bhopal- Pin: 462020/Phone: 0755-2672334.
CONCLUSION: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhopal invites online application for the recruitment of 169 vacant posts of Non –Faculty Group ‘B’ on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through online application.
Candidates can download detailed advertisement /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age, reservation in age, required education qualification, required application fee, reservation for posts, syllabus, date of test, last date to apply, number of vacant posts, name of department, mode of selection, how to apply and other instructions.
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LAST DATE TO APPLY: 03-05-2018 for AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2018 Apply Online 169 Non –Faculty Group 'B' Vacancies.
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