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सैनिक/स्टोर कीपर की भर्ती, यहां करें आवेदन,
भारतीय सेना ने Soldier (General Duty)/Soldier Nursing Assistant (Army Medical Corps) and NA (Vet) in RVC (NA)/Soldier Technical/Soldier Technical (Aviation /Ammunition Examiner /Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical/Inventory Management /Soldier Tradesman की भर्ती के लिए अधिसूचना जारी की है। इच्छुक उम्मीदवार यहाँ आवेदन कर सकते हैं। तथा उम्मीदवार रैली में जा सकते हैं। आवेदन करने से पहले पूर्ण अधिसूचना यहाँ पढ़ें, भारतीय थल सेना का हिस्सा बनने के इच्छुक नौजवान रैली भर्ती के लिए यहाँ आवेदन करें-
NOTIFICATION: Indian Army (A Government of India, Ministry of Defence) inviting online applications for filling up various vacant posts of Soldier (General Duty)/Soldier Nursing Assistant (Army Medical Corps) and NA (Vet) in RVC (NA)/Soldier Technical/Soldier Technical (Aviation /Ammunition Examiner/Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical/Inventory Management /Soldier Tradesman through rally recruitment which will be held at various places all over the Country at different dates for various states from eligible and interested willing unmarried male candidates. It is latest & good information for unemployed personnel those who are looking for these new Jobs in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers, who wish to apply for these vacancies regarding Indian Army Rally Recruitment 2018, must have passed High School /10+2 and Diploma/B. Sc with a required experience if asked. Applicant’s upper age should be as per Govt. rules and age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates i.e.SC/ST/ OBC/Women candidates etc.
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement Test, Common Entrance Examination, Document Verification and Medical Examination conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt. rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can apply through online mode. Army Bharti Rally Punjab 2018 for GD, Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Posts
Today's Current Vacancy/आज की नई रिक्तियां
NO OF POSTS: Various vacant posts of Soldier (General Duty)/Soldier Nursing Assistant (Army Medical Corps) and NA (Vet) in RVC (NA)/Soldier Technical/Soldier Technical (Aviation /Ammunition Examiner/Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical/Inventory Management /Soldier Tradesman through Rally at various places in Country in Indian Army.
Army Rally Recruitment 2018 of Soldier General Duty/Soldier Technical/Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical/Inventory Management/Sepoy Pharma Posts,
State/Districts to be covered: Punjab - Kapurthala, Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar, Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur.
Date of Rally: From 02 December 2018 to 08 December 2018.
Time: Gates will be opened by 0300 hours and closed by 0800 hours on each day.
Date of online Registration: Up to 16 November 2018.
Posts of Recruitment: Soldier General Duty/Soldier Technical/Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper Technical/Inventory Management/Sepoy Pharma.
Place/Venue of Rally Recruitment: Army Public School (Primary Wing) Ground on Major General Rajindar Singh Sparrow Road, Jalandhar Cantt.
Admit Cards: Will be sent through registered e-mail from.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: As per details given below -
1. Soldier General Duty: A passed of Matric with minimum 33% or D grade (33-40) in each subject & minimum 45% OR C-2 grade or 4.75 points in aggregate OR 10+2 simple pass.
2. Soldier Technical: A passed of 10+2 in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject OR 3 year Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical/Electrical / Automobile /Computer Science and Electronic & Instrumentation Engg) from AICTE recognized Polytechnic Institute
3. Nursing Assistant (NA): A passed of 10+2 in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in compulsory subjects. OR B. Sc Degree (Botany /Zoology/Bio Science) and English simple pass. However, in 10+2 all the 4 specified subjects should be studied.
4. Sepoy Pharma: A passed of 10+2 or equivalent and qualified in D Pharma with Min 55% marks in aggregate and registered with State Pharmacy Council/Pharmacy council of India. Individuals qualified in B Pharma with Min 50% marks and registered with State Pharmacy Council/ Pharmacy council of India are also eligible.
5. Soldier Tradesmen: A passed of Matric for General Category & ST Category (Adivasi) 8th class for all caste including ST category (Adivasi) and SLC should be countersigned by District Education Officer.
6. Soldier Clerk/SKT: A passed with 50% marks in each subject and 60% marks in aggregate in class XII. Should have studied English and Math/Acct /Book keeping in class XII or X and should have secured minimum 50% Marks in each of these subjects, whether studied in Class XII or X. Even if a candidate is a Graduate or has a higher qualification, percentage marks scored in class XII would be applicable towards his eligibility.
PHYSICAL FITNESS: Physical standards/ Medical fitness will be determined as per standards applicable for commission in the Armed Forces for Soldier GD/Store Keeper Technical Jobs.
PAY SCALE: Rs. 23000/- per month as per 7th Pay Commission and allowances as admissible along with other facilities such as free ration/ ration money, clothing, medical for self and accommodation, Railway warrant for self and dependents, Group Housing Scheme, Army Group Insurance Scheme of Rs. 25,00,000/-.
AGE LIMIT: Candidate’s required age should be in between of 17 years 06 months/19 years to 21/23/25 years.
NOTE: Candidates who are below 18 years of age will have to bring their parents’ consent certificate.
AGE RELAXATION: As per Govt. rules age relaxation is applicable for said post to all reserved category candidates.
PHYSICAL STANDARD: As per details given below –
1. Height: 170 cm - Sol GD, Sol Tech, Nursing Assistant, Sol Tradesman. 162 cms - Sol Clk/ SKT.
2. Weight: 50 (48 Kgs in case of IDG).
3. Chest: 77- 82 cms all Trades.
REQUIRED APPLICATION FEE: For said vacancy a non -refundable application fee is to be paid by the candidates as per rules. There is no application fee.
POST RESERVATION: All reserved category candidates ie. SC /ST /OBC /Widows etc (as applicable) are being selected for said post/s as per existing Govt. policy/rules.
SELECTION PROCESS: Applicants who are screened for applicability/ eligibility are being selected as per organization policy/rules depending on the basis of their performance in Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement Test, Common Entrance written Examination, Document Verification and Medical Examination -
A - 1.6 KM Run:
• Up to 5 Mins 30 Secs- Group-I.
• 5 Mins 31 Secs to 5 Mins 45 Secs - Group-II.
B - Beam (Pull Ups):
• 10 Pull Ups - 40 Marks,
• 9 Pull Ups - 33 Marks,
• 8 Pull Ups - 27 Marks,
• 7 Pull Ups - 21 Marks,
• 6 Pull Ups - 16 Marks,
C - Feet Ditch & Zig-Zag Balance: Candidates should qualify.
IMPORTANT: Candidates will have to apply online only on the official website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. It is essential to mention Aadhar Card details in online application. Candidates who apply online for the Rally successfully will be able to download their Admit card from official website. Candidates are requested to print their admit card neatly and bring it to the rally site. The admit card should be handled with care and neither folded nor crumpled. Candidates are allowed to apply for only one trade.
NOTE: Recruitment Programme - Date and time of appearing for the Rally will be intimated to the candidates on their registered e-mail ID and will also be mentioned on the Admit Card. Candidates are advised to come fully prepared to the Rally for appearing in Running test, Physical fitness tests and Physical measurement tests.
RALLY VENUE: Mentioned in Admit Card.
NOTE: Candidate will report at given time at main Entry Gate of rally ground ON THE SCHEDULED DATE AS PER THE PROGRAMME GIVEN IN THEIR ADMIT CARD.
Documents required at the time of Rally -
1. Admit Card.
2. Photograph.
3. Education Certificate.
4. Domicile Certificate.
5. NCC Certificate.
6. Character Certificate.
7. Sportsmen Certificate.
8. ID (Voter Card/ Pan Card/ Aadhar/ Ration/ Savings Bank Account).
9. Relation Certificates.
10. Affidavit (Rs. 10 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper).
11. Outsider Sanction.
12. Xerox Copies.
13. Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & AADHAR Card. Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & Aadhar Card are mandatory documents for final enrolment for purpose of Pay & allowances and other social benefits scheme.
14. SOS/ SOEX/ SOW/ SOWW candidates Certificate.
HOW TO APPLY: For said posts (Indian Army Open Bharti 2018 for various Soldiers) eligible, willing and interested candidates may apply/register themselves through online mode at official website up to last date given in notification. Applicants must retain a hard copy for future reference.
Instruction to apply online –
Before applying to Online Applicants have valid email & Scanned copies of photo, signature and Mobile number.
1. Candidates log on to http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in/
2. Go to JCOs/OR Apply/Login.
3. Click on “Click here for New Registration”, if you are a new user.
4. Complete the Registration & Click on “Submit”.
5. After Registration, Log in with Registered Number & Password.
6. Fill in the all details in the application & upload Photo, Signature.
7. Take a print out of online application for future reference.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Indian Army, Headquarter Army Recruiting Offices.
CONCLUSION: Indian Army invites online application for the recruitment of various vacant posts of Soldier General Duty/ Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through online application.
Candidates can download detailed advertisement/notification from official website for recruitment information like required age, reservation in age, required education qualification, required application fee, reservation for posts, syllabus, date of test, last date to apply, number of vacant posts, name of department, mode of selection, how to apply and other instructions.
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LAST DATE TO APPLY: 16-11-2018 for Recruitment of various soldiers in Indian Army.
Official Notification
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