Southern Railway Jobs 2019: 2393 Trackman, Helper & Pointsmen Jobs
दक्षिणी रेलवे द्वारा भूतपूर्व सैनिकों के लिए विशेष भर्ती 2019
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दक्षिणी रेलवे द्वारा प्रकाशित विज्ञापन अनुसार, यहाँ “Trackman, Helper and Pointsman” की 2393 रिक्त जगहों के लिए भूतपूर्व सैनिकों से आवेदन आमंत्रित है, अधिक जानकारी निचे दी गई है –

NOTIFICATION: Southern Railway (SR) Perambur, Arakkonam, Chennai (A Government of India, Mimistry of Railways) inviting online applications for filling up 2393 vacant posts of Trackman, Helper and Pointsman in various trades from eligible and interested willing Ex-Servicemen candidates for engagement in safety categories of Bridge Organisation, Track Machine Organisation and other similar technical safety categories of Southern Railway on full time contract basis. It is latest & useful information for unemployed personnel those who are looking for required Job in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers, who wish to apply for these new vacancies regarding Recruitment 2019, must have passed Matriculation/10th or equivalent and with minimum 15 years defence services experience. Applicant’s upper age should not exceed 50 years. As per Govt. rules age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates i. e.SC /ST/OBC/ PWH/Ex Servicemen/Women candidates etc.
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in merit of educational marks conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt. rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization news and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can apply through online mode. Advertisement No. No: P(P)135/I/1/TMR/Vol. II. Southern Railway Recruitment 2019 Notification of 2393 Trackman, Helper and Pointsman posts
NO.OF VACANCIETS: 2393 vacant posts of Trackman, Helper and Pointsman in various trades/discipline in South Railway (SR) Perambur, Arakkonam, Chennai.
Trade Wise Vacancies - दक्षिणी रेलवे द्वारा भूतपूर्व सैनिकों के लिए विशेष भर्ती 2019,
1. Trackman.
2. Helper (Track Machine).
3. Helper (Tele).
4. Helper (Signal).
5. Pointsman ‘B’ (SCP).
6. Helper (C&W).
7. Helper/Diesel Mechanical.
8. Helper/Diesel Electrical.
9. Helper/TRD.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Ex-Serviceman who has retired after putting in 15 years of service and has passed Army Class-I certificate or equivalent will be considered eligible for engaging on contract basis.
MEDICAL CLASSIFICATION: A2 & below under relaxed standard for Ex-Servicemen.
AGE LIMIT: Candidate’s age should not be more than 50 years as on 13-08-2019 for Southern Railway Recruitment 2019 Apply for 2393 Trackman, Helper and Pointsman vacancies.
AGE RELAXATION: Relaxation in age is applicable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. Rules.
PAY SCALE: Rs.22968 – Rs.27072/- pm + Rs. 5000/- clothing allowance per year. Engagement will be on full time contract basis and the remuneration will be on monthly basis comprising of Basic Pay, DA, TA, HRA & Dress allowance of Rs. 5000/- per annum wherever applicable.
REQUIRED APPLICATION FEE: No application fee required.
POST RESERVATION: Reservation is applicable for Scheduled caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) candidates.
IMPORTANT POINTS: 1-The contract of Ex-Servicemen for Level 1 Posts is on full time basis and shall not be entitled for Railway Quarters and Privilege/ Complimentary Passes etc.
2- Duty Pass may be provided for stretch of the journey involved on duty. They may be entitled to II class ‘A’ duty pass.
3- They may be paid Daily Allowance when on tour as admissible, at the rate of Rs.500/-.
4- In case of absence for duty, proportionate amount of pay per day will be deducted. If full time contract Ex-Servicemen is on unauthorized absence beyond 3 days, their engagement will automatically be terminated.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Shortlisted & eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in previous records of length of service, document verification, experience in Armed Forces and Medical Examination -
1. The panel will be formed on the basis of Ex-Servicemen’s length of Military service for engaging on contract basis.
2. Shortlisted Ex-Servicemen will be called for verification of Original Documents.
3. The candidate shall attend the Document verification, along with all relevant original certificates, at the date, time & venue specified by Railway Recruitment Cell.
4. Any request for change of date, time & venue of Document Verification will not be entertained.
5. Those Ex-servicemen successful in Document Verification will be subjected for Medical Examination. The list of Ex-servicemen to be engaged on contract basis will be based on the length of Military Service after successful Document Verification to the extent of notified posts.
TRAINING: The Ex-servicemen selected for engagement will be imparted necessary training wherever applicable for a period which will be determined by the Administration before their actual deployment.
HOW TO APPLY: For said posts (Southern Railway Recruitment 2019 for Trackman, Helper and Pointsman 2393 Posts) eligible, willing and interested candidates may apply through online mode at official website up to last date. Applicants must retain a hard copy with them for future reference.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Southern Railway (SR), Perambur, Arakkonam, Chennai- 600003.
CONCLUSION: Southern Railway (SR) Perambur, Arakkonam, Chennai invites online application for the recruitment of 2393 vacant posts of Trackman, Helper and Pointsman in various discipline on contract basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through online application.
Candidates can download detail advt. /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age/ reservation in age/ required education qualification/ required application fee/ reservation for posts/ syllabus/ date of test/last date to apply/number of posts/name of department/ mode of selection/ how to apply and other instructions.
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 12-09-2019 for Southern Railway Ex-Servicemen Recruitment 2019 for 2393 Trackman, Helper and Pointsman Posts.
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