NPCIL-Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited Recruitment
NPCIL Job Vacancy- NPCIL Vacancy
NPCIL Bharti
Jobs at NPCIL- Jobs in NPCIL- NPCIL Rawatbhata Vacancy
NPCIL Recruitment-NPCIL Recruitment 2019
Aspirants who wish to get NPCIL Job Vacancy should search
for NPCIL Jobs on google as NPCIL Job or NPCIL Vacancy to Online Apply.
Aspirants must read NPCIL Career 2019- NPCIL Careers on NPCIL website for NPCIL
Vacancies. They can find out all details like NPCIL JE Recruitment 2019 by
NPCIL Career login to apply for any applicable NPCIL Vacancy. Aspirants can find
out NPCIL Tarapur notification too for other place job. Aspirants should check
NPCIL Jobs Recruitment 2018 notification for experience of last year
recruitment details.
Recruitment 2019 | Nurse, Assistant, Steno, Driver & Other Posts | Total
Vacancies 107 Jobs
नुक्लिएर पॉवर कारपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड में स्टेनो, असिस्टेंट एवं अन्य पदों के 107 रिक्तियों हेतु इच्छुक उम्मीदवार यहाँ आवेदन करें-
![]() |
NPCIL Recruitment 2019 | Nurse, Assistant, Steno, Driver & Other Posts |
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), NPCIL,
Rawatbhata Rajasthan (A Government of India Undertaking) inviting online
applications for filling up 107
vacant posts of sarkari naukri Steno, Assistant, Nurse, Pathology Lab
Technician (SA/B), Pharmacist/B, X-Ray Technician (Technician/C) and
Driver-cum-Pump Operator-cum-Fireman/A from eligible and interested willing candidates. It is
latest & good information for unemployed personnel those who are looking
for these new Jobs in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers,
who wish to apply for these vacancies regarding NPCIL Recruitment 2019, must
have passed Bachelor’s Degree, HSC/12th /Diploma/B. Sc or equivalent in concerned discipline with a required
experience if asked. Applicant’s upper age should be as per sarkari naukri
rules and age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates
i.e.SC /ST /OBC/PWH/Ex Servicemen /Women candidates etc.
Click here for GK General
Science Questions and Answers free for Competitive Exams, सामान्य विज्ञान के अतिमहत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर निशुल्क यहाँ से निशुल्क प्राप्त करें।
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates
will have to pass in Online Written Examination and Personal Interview
conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome
salary (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per sarkari
naukri rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization
as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization
and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization
have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can
apply through online mode. Advt. No. RR
Site/HRM/01/2019. NPCIL
Recruitment 2019 for Stipendiary Trainee & Scientific Assistant 68 Posts
Job Alert, Sarkari Naukri Jobs Today, Graduates Govt. Job, Employment News, Sarkari Naukri, Government Jobs, Latest Govt. Jobs Notifications /आज की नई रिक्तियां
107 vacant posts of Sarkari naukri Steno, Assistant, Nurse,
Pathology Lab Technician (SA/B), Pharmacist/B, X-Ray Technician (Technician/C)
and Driver-cum-Pump Operator-cum-Fireman/A in NPCIL, Rawatbhata Rajasthan.
Post Wise Vacancies -
1. Steno Grade-1 – 29 Posts
2. Nurse – A (Female) - 03 Posts
3. Nurse – A (Female) - 02 Posts
4. Assistant Grade-1(HR) – 14 Posts
5. Assistant Grade-1(F&A) – 25 Posts
6. Assistant Grade-1(C&MM) – 19 Posts
7. Pathology Lab Technician (SA/B) – 01 Post
8. Pharmacist/B – 04 Posts
9. X-Ray Technician (Technician/C) – 01 Post
10. Operation Theatre Assistant (Technician/B) – 01 Post
As per details given below -
1. Assistant (HR): Aspirants passed of Bachelor’s Degree in
Science or Commerce or Arts with minimum 50% marks.
2. Assistant (F&A):
Aspirants passed of Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce with minimum 50%
3. Assistant (C&MMM): Aspirants
passed of Bachelor’s Degree in Science (with Physics, Chemistry &
Mathematics) OR Commerce with minimum 50% marks.
4. Steno Aspirants
passed of Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with minimum 50% marks and a speed
of 80 words per minute in English Stenography and speed of 40 words per minute
in English typing on PC.
5. Driver: Aspirants passed of HSC (10+2) (Science with
Chemistry) or equivalent with minimum 50% of marks + valid heavy Vehicle
Driving License.
6. Nurse – A: Aspirants passed of XII Standard &
Diploma in Nursing & Mid-wifery (3 years course) or B.Sc. (Nursing).
7. Lab Technician: Aspirants
passed of B.Sc. with minimum 50% marks + One year Diploma in Medical Lab.
Technology (D.M.L.T.) with 60% marks or B.Sc. in Medical Lab. Technology
(M.L.T.) with 60% marks.
8. Pharmacist: Aspirants
passed of HSC (10+2) + 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy + 6 months Training in Pharmacy
+ Registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council.
9. X-Ray Technician: Aspirants passed
of HSC (10+2) in Science with minimum 60% plus One year medical
Radiography/X-Ray Technique Trade Certificate.
10. OT
Assistant: Aspirants passed of H.S.C. (10+2) in Science
with minimum 60% marks + One year Certificate Course of Operation Theatre
Candidate’s required age should be in between of 18/21 years – 25/28/30
years as on 06-11-2019 for NPCIL
Recruitment 2019 for Steno, Assistant & other 107 Jobs-
1. Nurse – A (Female/Male): 18 to 30 years.
2. X-Ray Technician (Technician/C)/Operation
Theatre Assistant (Technician/B) /Driver-cum-Pump Operator-cum-Fireman-A: 18 to 25 years.
3. Assistant Grade-1(HR)/Assistant Grade-1(F&A)/Assistant
Grade-1(C&MM) /Steno Grade-1: 21 to
28 years.
As per sarkari naukri rules age relaxation is applicable for said
post to all reserved category candidates.
Details -
1. Nurse - A (Female / Male): Rs.
44,900/- (Pay in Pay Matrix in Level-7).
2. Pathology Lab Technician (SA/B): Rs.
35,400/- (Pay in Pay Matrix in Level-6).
3. Pharmacist/B: Rs.
29,200/- (Pay in Pay Matrix in Level-5).
4. X-Ray Technician (Technician/C): Rs.
25,500/- (Pay in Pay Matrix in Level-4).
5. Operation Theatre Assistant (Technician/B): Rs.
21,700/- (Pay in Pay Matrix in Level-3).
6. Assistant Grade-1/Steno: Rs.
25,500/- (Pay in Pay Matrix in Level-4).
7. Driver-cum-Pump Operator-cum-Fireman/A: Rs.
21,700/- (Pay in Pay Matrix in Level-3).
For sarkari naukri vacancy a nonrefundable application fee is to
be paid by the candidates as per rules. An amout of Rs. 700/- is to be paid by
General/EWS & OBC candidates through online mode.
SC/ ST/ PWD candidates need not to pay any fee.
All reserved category candidates ie. SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD/ Women /Ex
Servicemen /Widows etc (as applicable) are being selected for said post/s as
per existing sarkari naukri policy/rules.
Standard of Physical Fitness
The candidates should be free from evidence of any contagious or
infectious disease. He should not be suffering from any disease, which is
likely to be aggravated by service or is likely to render him unfit for service
or to endanger of health of the public. He should be free from evidence of
Tuberculosis in any form, active or healed.
Aspirants who are screened for applicability/ eligibility are
being selected as per organization policy/rules depending on the basis of their
performance in Written Examination + Skill Test, Physical Standard Test,
Physical Assessment & Driving Test –
Ø Nurse - A (Female/Male)/Pathology Lab
Technician (Scientific Assistant/B)/X-Ray Technician (Technician/C)/Operation
Theatre Assistant (Technician/B)/ Pharmacist /B/Assistant Grade-1(HR)/
Assistant Grade-1(F&A)/Assistant Grade-1(C&MM)/ Steno Grade-1: Written Examination + Skill Test-The
written examination will be OMR based or Computer Based Test (CBT).
Ø Driver-cum-Pump
Operator-cum-Fireman-A: Physical
Standard Test + Physical Assessment & Driving Test + Written Examination.
An aspirant has to qualify at each stage of prescribed selection
process for final empanelment.
Click here for UP PCS
364 sarkari naukri vacant posts of PCS Officers सम्मिलित राज्य/प्रवर अधीनस्थ सेवा प्रार0 परीक्षा through Uttar Pradesh
Public Services Commission (UPPSC), Allahabad. Last Date: 13-11-2019.
NPCIL Admit Card
Aspirants can download their NPCIL Admit
card before commitment of examination to appear in recruitment process. NPCIL
Admit Card will not be send by posts.
NPCIL Exam Date 2019-NPCIL Exam Date
NPCIL Exam Date 2019 will be notified by organization well in
advance of commitment of any recruitment process; hence aspirants must be in
touch of official NPCIL website regularly.
NPCIL Previous Year Question Paper
Aspirants can download NPCIL Book, NPCIL Book pdf, NPCIL
Last Year Question Paper from various sources of question paper banks available
on internet for practice. Click here for previous Question Papers
Click here for NPCIL Syllabus is available to download from various
online sources for success in NPCIL exam.
NPCIL Online Form-NPCIL Apply Online
For sarkari naukri posts (NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for Steno, Assistant & others-NPCIL
Online Apply) eligible,
willing and interested candidates may apply through online mode at official
website up to last date. Applicants must retain with them application form for
future reference.
How to Apply NPCIL Recruitment 2019
1. At first, you have to visit to Official Website i.e. or
2. Now, you have to select the “NPCIL Recruitment 2019”
notification link.
3. Then, read the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd
notification completely.
4. If you are eligible, click on Apply Online Link.
5. Now, fill in all the information correctly.
6. Uploaded scanned images of required documents, passport size
photos and signature.
7. Pay Application fee if required.
8. Recheck all the details filled in the Online Application Form.
9. Then, click on submit button.
10. You can take print out of the application form for future
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), Rawatbhata
Rajasthan Site, Post-Anushakti, ViaKota (Rajasthan), PIN-323303.
NPCIL, Rawatbhata Rajasthan invites online application for the
recruitment of 107
vacant posts of sarkari naukri Steno, Assistant, Nurse, Pathology Lab
Technician (SA/B), Pharmacist/B, X-Ray Technician (Technician/C) and
Driver-cum-Pump Operator-cum-Fireman/A on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible
& interested; candidates can apply through online application.
Candidates can download detailed advertisement /notification from official website for
recruitment information like required age, reservation in age, required
education qualification, required application fee, reservation for posts,
syllabus, date of test, last date to apply, number of vacant posts, name of
department, mode of selection, how to apply and other instructions.
Jobs in PSUs
06-11-2019 for NPCIL Recruitment 2019 Online Apply for
Steno, Assistant & other Vacancy.
NPCIL Steno, Assistant & other Jobs 2019 |
NPCIL Jobs 2019 of 68 Vacancies for Stipendiary Trainee /Scientific Technician Trainee (Closed),
NPCIL Recruitment 2019, 68 Stipendiary Trainees & Other Vacancies, NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for 68 Stipendiary Trainee /Technician Jobs, NPCIL MAPS Recruitment 2019 - Apply Online 68 Stipendiary Trainee Vacancies, NPCIL Recruitment 2019 Apply Online Stipendiary Trainee 68 Job Vacancies, NPCIL Jobs 2019: 68 Stipendiary Trainee, Scientific Assistant Posts, NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment 2019 | Apply for 68 NPCIL Jobs, NPCIL Recruitment 2019, Apply 68 Stipendiary Trainee vacancies, NPCIL Recruitment 2019 Stipendiary Trainees /Technician Jobs, NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for 68 Stipendiary Trainee & Other Vacancies, NPCIL Recruitment 2019 - Latest 68 Stipendiary Trainee/ Technician trainee Jobs, NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for 68 Stipendiary Trainee, Scientific Assistant Jobs, NPCIL Recruitment: Form for Stipendiary Trainee, Scientific Assistant 2019, NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for 68 Stipendiary Trainees & Scientific Assistant Posts, NPCIL Recruitment 2019, 68 Stipendiary Trainees & Other Vacancies, Apply online,
नुक्लिएर पॉवर कारपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड में स्टायपेंडरी ट्रेनी व सायंटिफिक असिस्टंट के 67 पदों हेतु इच्छुक उम्मीदवार यहाँ आवेदन करें-
NOTIFICATION: Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS), Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu (A Government of India Undertaking) inviting online applications for filling up 68 vacant posts of Stipendiary Trainees /Technician-“B” (Group-C) and Stipendiary Trainees/ Scientific Assistant-“B” (Group-B) and Scientific Assistant/C (Safety Supervisor) (Group-B) to share these challenging spectrum of responsibilities from eligible and interested willing candidates. It is latest & good information for unemployed personnel those who are looking for these new Jobs in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers, who wish to apply for these vacancies regarding NPCIL Recruitment 2019, must have passed 10th and ITI or equivalent in concerned discipline with a required experience if asked. Applicant’s upper age should be as per Govt rules and age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates i.e.SC /ST /OBC/PWH/Ex Servicemen /Women candidates etc.
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in Online Written Examination and Personal Interview conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can apply through online mode. Advt. No. 02/MAPS/HRM/2019. NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for Stipendiary Trainee & Scientific Assistant 68 Posts
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainees Recruitment 2019: Here is a vacancy notice released by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL). According to the advertisement published by the NPCIL department, there are total 68 vacancies of Stipendiary Trainees & Scientific Assistant/Safety Supervisor. Candidates waiting for NPCIL Vacancy 2019 notification can visit the official website. The participants who are interested for NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee Jobs can apply Online from here. The applicants who are interested for NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee Bharti should apply Online up to last date. Aspirants will get details for NPCIL Jobs like education qualification, Age criteria, Pay scale, Application fee etc here in the below article at
Today's Current Vacancy/आज की नई रिक्तियां
NO OF VACANCIES: 68 vacant posts of Stipendiary Trainees /Technician-“B” (Group-C) and Stipendiary Trainees/ Scientific Assistant-“B” (Group-B) and Scientific Assistant/C (Safety Supervisor) (Group-B) in various disciplines in Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS), Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu.
Post Wise Vacancies -
• Plant Operator- 11
• Electrician - 07 posts.
• Electronics Mechanic / Instrument Mechanic - 09 posts.
• Fitter - 08 posts.
• Machinist - 01 post.
• Welder - 01 post.
• Draftsman -01 post.
• Plumber - 02 posts.
• Carpenter – 02 posts.
• Mechanical Engineering- 08 posts.
• Electrical Engineering – 06 posts.
• Electronics Engineering / Instrumentation Engineering - 04 posts.
• Civil Engineering – 03 posts.
• Physics – 03 posts.
• Chemistry – 01 post.
• Safety Supervisor – 1 post.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: As per details given below -
1- Stipendiary Trainees/ Scientific Assistant - Diploma in Engineering: A passed of Diploma in Engineering with not less than 60% marks in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Instrumentation /Chemical recognized by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development. The Diploma in Engineering should be of 3 years duration after SSC/HSC.
• Candidates with HSC + 2 years Diploma course in Engineering (Approved by AICTE) with 60% or above marks are also eligible. Candidates who have pursued Diploma through Lateral entry to 2nd year Diploma after Xth (SSC) + ITI are not eligible.
• Should have had English as one of the subjects either at SSC or at HSC level examination.
2 - Stipendiary Trainees / Scientific Assistant - B. Sc: A passed of B.Sc. with a minimum of 60% marks. B.Sc. shall be with Physics as principal and Chemistry /Mathematics/Statistics/Electronics & Computer Science as subsidiary OR with Chemistry as principal and Physics/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Electronics & Computer Science as subsidiary OR with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects with equal weightage. Mathematics at H.S.C. (10+2) level is essential. Candidates having Mathematics as the principal subject at B.Sc. are not eligible.
• Should have had English as one of the subjects either at SSC or at HSC level examination.
AGE LIMIT: Candidate’s required age should be in between of 18 years – 24/25/30 years as on 11-07-2019 for NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for 68 Stipendiary Trainees & Scientific Assiatant/Safety Supervisor Jobs.
• Stipendiary Trainees / Technician – B {Group – C): 18 years to 24 years.
• Stipendiary Trainees / Scientific Assistant – B {Group – B): 18 years to 25 years.
• Scientific Assistant / C (Group – B): 30 years.
AGE RELAXATION: As per Govt rules age relaxation is applicable for said post to all reserved category candidates.
PAY SCALE: Rs.10,500/-p.m. (consolidated) for 1st year and Rs.12,500/-p.m. (consolidated) for 2nd year.
REQUIRED APPLICATION FEE: For said vacancy a non refundable application fee is to be paid by the candidates as per rules. An amout of Rs. 700/- is to be paid by General/EWS & OBC candidates through online mode.
SC/ ST/ PWD candidates need not to pay any fee.
POST RESERVATION: All reserved category candidates ie. SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD/ Women /Ex Servicemen/Widows etc (as applicable) are being selected for said post/s as per existing Govt policy/rules.
Standard of Physical Fitness: The candidates should be free from evidence of any contagious or infectious disease. He should not be suffering from any disease, which is likely to be aggravated by service or is likely to render him unfit for service or to endanger of health of the public. He should be free from evidence of Tuberculosis in any form, active or healed.
SELECTION PROCESS: Applicants who are screened for applicability/ eligibility are being selected as per organization policy/rules depending on the basis of their performance in Online Written Examination and Personal Interview.
• The selected candidates will be required to undergo 1½ year training in any of the Nuclear Training Centres of NPCIL.
• Those trainees, who complete one and half year training successfully, will be appointed as Scientific Assistant/B subject to suitability for absorption. Initial posting will be at Kakrapar Gujarat Site; however, the candidates are liable to be transferred to any of the establishment of NPCIL/Units.
HOW TO APPLY: For said posts (NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for Stipendiary Trainee 68 Posts | Apply Online) eligible, willing and interested candidates may apply through online mode at official website up to last date. Applicants must retain with them application form for future reference.
Instruction to Apply Online –
1. At first, you have to visit to Official Website i.e. or
2. Now, you have to select the “NPCIL Recruitment 2019” notification link.
3. Then, read the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd notification completely.
4. If you are eligible, click on Apply Online Link.
5. Now, fill in all the information correctly.
6. Uploaded scanned images of required documents, passport size photos and signature.
7. Pay Application fee if required.
8. Recheck all the details filled in the Online Application Form.
9. Then, click on submit button.
10. You can take print out of the application form for future reference.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS) Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), Registered Office: 16th Floor, Centre-1, World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai- 400005.
CONCLUSION: Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS), Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu invites online application for the recruitment of 68 vacant posts of Stipendiary Trainees/ Scientific Assistant Category-I in various disciplines on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through online application.
Candidates can download detailed advertisement /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age, reservation in age, required education qualification, required application fee, reservation for posts, syllabus, date of test, last date to apply, number of vacant posts, name of department, mode of selection, how to apply and other instructions.
NPCIL Recruitment 2019 for 68 Stipendiary Trainees Posts | Apply Online
NPCIL Recruitment 2019 latest 68 Stipendiary Trainees Posts,
NPCIL Recruitment 2019 – 69 Stipendiary Trainees Posts: Candidates may apply Online for Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited jobs here. According to the advertisement published by the NPCL department, there are total 68 vacancies of Stipendiary Trainees & Scientific Assistant. Candidates waiting for NPCIL vacancy 2019 notification can visit the official website. The participants who are interested, for NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee jobs can apply Online from here. The applicants who are interested for NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee Bharti should apply Online latest by 11th Jul 2019. Last date details given below Check before Apply via
Jobs in PSUs
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 11-07-2019 for NPCIL Recruitment 2019 Apply online Stipendiary Trainee 68 Vacancy.
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