SAIL Upcoming Vacancy-SAIL-SAIL Recruitment-SAIL Govt Jobs
SAIL Vacancy-SAIL Recruitment-SAIL
Recruitment 2019 for 148 Mining Foreman, Mining Mate, Operator-Cum-Technician
Trainee, Attendant-Cum-Technician Trainee and Nursing Sister Trainee Posts
SAIL Vacancy-SAIL Vacancy 2019-Jobs at SAIL-Raw
Material Division Jobs
Raw Material Division Jobs 2019 for 148 Executive, Non-Executive Posts, Date,
Apply Online
SAIl Recruitment for Executive and Non-Executive Cadres in RMD Mines
for Executive and Non-Executive Cadres in RMD Mines
Advt. No. RMD/K/PERS/F-14/2019/1822 Date: 14.11.2019
![]() |
SAIL Executive & Non Executive Vacancy 2019 |
SAIL Raw Material Division Jobs 2019 Notification for
Mining Foreman, Mining Mate, Operator-Cum-Technician Trainee,
Attendant-Cum-Technician Trainee and Nursing Sister Trainee Jobs
The Steel Authority of India Limited (Raw Material Division) Officials are
inviting the online applications from the interested aspirants for 148 Medical
Officer, Mining Foreman, Mining Mate, Surveyor (Mines), Operator-Cum Technician
(Trainee), Attendant-Cum Technician (Trainee) & Nursing Sister (Trainee)
Vacancies. Interested Job Seekers across India, can apply for the Latest SAIL
Medical Officer Vacancy 2019 after checking all the details about SAIL
recruitment of Mining Foreman, Mining Mate, Operator-Cum-Technician Trainee,
Attendant-Cum-Technician Trainee and Nursing Sister Trainee 148 jobs. According
to the information given in the Official SAIL Raw Material Division Jobs
2019 Notification, the 31st December 2019 is the final
date to apply here.
SAIL Jobs-SAIL Jobs 2019
Aspirants have started applying for sarkari naukri Latest SAIL Raw
Material Division Mining Foreman Notification 2019. Applications for the
Latest SAIL Raw Material Division Attendant Cum Technician Openings 2019 must
be submitted in the Online Mode only. Our team is providing all the
details about the Latest SAIL Raw Material Division Careers 2019. Check them
all before applying them. More information about the Latest SAIL Raw
Material Division Executive Vacancy 2019 is shared in the below
sections of this post here.
SAIL Raw Material Division Jobs 2019 for 148 Executive, Non-Executive
Posts, Date, Apply Online
Latest SAIL Raw
Material Division Jobs 2019 Notification
Organization Name
Steel Authority of India Limited (Raw Material
SAIL Post Name
Medical Officer, Mining Foreman, Mining Mate,
Surveyor (Mines), Operator-Cum Technician (Trainee), Attendant-Cum Technician
(Trainee) & Nursing Sister (Trainee)
SAIL Vacancies
SAIL Starting date
1st December 2019
Closing Date
31st December 2019
SAIL Application Mode
Central Government Jobs
SAIL Selection Process
Ø Medical Officer: Written Test, Interview
Ø Remaining Posts: Written Test, Skill Test
Job Location
Across India
SAIL Official website
SAIL Jobs for Qualification Education-SAIL Eligibility
The Steel Authority
of India Limited (Raw Material Division) Officials is hiring the aspirants who have
completed either their BDS, 10th, B. Sc Nursing from any Recognized Institute
or University in India, as the Educational Qualification. Having mere
Qualifications will not make the contenders eligible to apply for the Latest
SAIL Raw Material Division Jobs 2019 Notification. Down in this article, we
even provided the steps. And by following those steps aspirants will have an
idea on how to submit the filled SAIL
Raw Material Division Application Form 2019.
Post-Wise Information
Name of the post
No of Posts
Executive Cadre
SAIL CMO Vacancy-Medical Officer
Mining Foreman
Mining Mate
Surveyor (Mines)
Operator-Cum Technician (Trainee)
Attendant-Cum Technician (Trainee)
Nursing Sister (Trainee)
SAIL Qualification Education-SAIL Eligibility
Name of the post
Educational Qualification
Executive Cadre
SAIL CMO Vacancy-Medical Officer
Non-Executive Cadre
Mining Foreman
Mining Mate
Surveyor (Mines)
Operator-Cum Technician (Trainee)
Attendant-Cum Technician (Trainee)
Nursing Sister (Trainee)
B. Sc Nursing
SAIL Age Limit
Name of the post
Age Limit as on
Closing date
Executive Cadre
SAIL CMO Vacancy-Medical Officer
30 years
Mining Foreman
28 years
Mining Mate
28 years
Surveyor (Mines)
28 years
Operator-Cum Technician (Trainee)
28 years
Attendant-Cum Technician (Trainee)
28 years
Nursing Sister (Trainee)
28 years
SAIL Raw Material Division Executive & Non Executive
Selection Process
The Steel Authority
of India Limited (Raw Material Division) Officials are going to select the
candidates through Written Test, Interview for the Medical Officer (Dental) and
for remaining positions, the selection process will be through Written Test and
Skill Test.
Aspirants searching jobs in various installations of SAIL
like SAIL Recruitment Bokaro-SAIL BSP Vacancy-SAIL Vacancy Bokaro 2018-SAIL ISP
Vacancy-Jobs SAIL Bokaro Steel plant-SAIL Chandrapur Recruitment 2019-SAIL
Recruitment for Experienced Engineers-SAIL Recruitment in Rourkela- SAIL Recruitment for Diploma Engineers- SAIL Recruitment
2018-19-SAIL Vacancy Bhilai- SAIL Jobs for Diploma holders-SAIL Bhilai Vacancy
2019-SAIL Rites Kulti Vacancy-SAIL Shine Recruitment should download concerned
plant notification whenever it advertised publicly.
Aspirants should be
of sound physique, free from any physical defect. Medical standards stipulate
minimum requirements of Weight: 45 kg (male) / 35kg (female); Height: 155 cm
(male) /143 cm (female); Myopia and Hypermetropia, if any, vision not to exceed
±4.00 D in each eye in case of category-B employees (Technical working in
Mines) and ±8.00 Din case of category C (Working outside the mines). For
ACTT-HMV candidates which falls under Category-A Employee (Vehicle drivers
& Operator concerned with moving machine) with Myopia and Hypermetropia, if
any, vision not to exceed ±2.50 D in each eye.
SAIL Salary
Name of the post
Salary-Pay Scale
Executive Cadre
SAIL CMO Vacancy-Medical Officer
₹20,600-3%- 46,500 /-
₹24,900-3%- 50,500/- (ME-1) Per Month.
Mining Foreman
Rs.16,800 to Rs.24,110/- Per
Mining Mate
Rs.15,830 to Rs.22,150/- Per
Surveyor (Mines)
Rs.16,800 to Rs.24,110/- Per
Operator-Cum Technician (Trainee)
Rs.16,800 to Rs.24,110/- Per
Attendant-Cum Technician (Trainee)
Rs.15,830 to Rs.22,150/- Per
Nursing Sister (Trainee)
Rs.16,800 to Rs.24,110/- Per
SAIL Application Fee
Application Fees is to be paid through online mode only. No fee from SC/ST/Ex
Servicemen/Women and Departmental aspirants.
Name of the Post
Application Fee For General/OBC/EWS
Medical Officer (Dental)
Mining Foreman, Surveyor (Mines), Operator-Cum
Technician (Trainee) & Nursing Sister (Trainee)
Mining Mate, Attendant-Cum Technician (Trainee)
How to Apply for SAIL Raw Material Division Jobs 2019
Ø Please visit the official site of the SAIL Bhilai at
Ø From there, go to the Careers section.
Ø Now check the Latest Notification for SAIL Raw Material
Division Executive & Non Executive Vacancies.
Ø Open and read the total information in it.
Ø And then if you are eligible, fill in the application form with
correct details.
Ø And then pay the application fee if applicable.
Ø Recheck and submit the application form before the final date.
Ø Take a print out for future reference.
SAIL Raw Material Division Executive & Non Executive
Online Application Form 2019 & Notification
SAIL Raw Material Division Executive & Non
Executive Jobs 2019 Notification
SAIL Raw Material Division Executive & Non
Executive Online Application Form
List of
cities (tentative) where written test shall be conducted for the post of Mining
Foreman, Mining Mate, Surveyor (Mines), Nursing Sister (Trainee),
Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) and Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) [HMV]
is mentioned below
1. Rourkela
3. Ranchi 5.
Jamshedpur 6. Jabalpur
Ø The skill
test/ trade test for these posts would be held at venue[s] to be intimated at
later stage.
Ø Written
Examination & Interview for the post of Medical Officer (Dental) will be
conducted at Kolkata.
Ø Here are
many more topics about SAIL Share, SAIL Vizag Recruitment, SAIL Jobs for ITI,
SAIL Jobs Apply Online, Kiriburu SAIL Jobs, SAIL Vacancy Bokaro, SAIL Vacancy
for Diploma, SAIL Company Vacancy, SAIL Job Openings, SAIL Vacancy in Bokaro,
SAIL mining Sirdar Vacancy, SAIL ME Vacancy, SAIL Company Vacancy 2019 etc. to
know for getting job.
Like the information, we shared about the SAIL
Raw Material Division Jobs 2019 Notification?
Well friends check our website for more information regularly about Job
SAIL Address Details
The Steel Authority of India
Limited, Raw
Materials Division, Industry House, 10, Camac Street-Kolkata-700017.
SAIL Upcoming Vacancy-SAIL-SAIL Recruitment-SAIL Govt Jobs
SAIL Vacancy-SAIL Recruitment-SAIL Recruitment
SAIL Job Vacancy 2019-SAIL Latest Jobs-SAIL Jobs Recruitment
SAIL Vacancy-SAIL Vacancy 2019-Jobs at SAIL
Management Trainee Jobs 2019 – 399 Posts, Date, Eligibility, Apply Online
Recruitment of Management Trainees
(Technical) in SAIL through GATE-2019
![]() |
SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019 |
This SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019 Notification information is sourced through
this post article. Steel Authority of India Limited Officials @ is
hiring eligible aspirants for 399 Management Trainee Vacancies. Interested aspirants,
who are looking for the Central Government Jobs sarkari naukri across India,
can go ahead and apply for the latest SAIL Management Trainee Vacancy 2019, before
the last date. Based on the information included in the Officials SAIL
Management Trainee Notification 2019, aspirants through the official site must
apply on or before last date. Remember the applications must be
submitted in the SAIL Online mode only. No other means of application will be
SAIL Recruitment
The aspirants
who completed their Degree in Engineering in relevant branches from any
Recognized Institute or University in India, as the Educational Qualification,
can go ahead and apply for the SAIL Management Trainee Careers 2019 before
the final date. Without having all the Qualifications correctly no application
for the latest SAIL Management Trainee Openings 2019, will be
considered. More details related to the SAIL Management Trainee Posts 2019
can be found from the below sections.
SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019 – 399
Posts, Date, Eligibility, Apply Online
Latest SAIL
Management Trainee Jobs 2019 Notification
Organization Name
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)
SAIL Post Name
Management Trainee
SAIL Vacancies
SAIL Starting date
SAIL Closing Date
15th December 2019
SAIL Application Mode
Central Government Jobs
SAIL Selection Process
GATE 2019
SAIL Job Location
Across India
SAIL Official web Site
SAIL Recruitment Sarkari Result
SAIL Result will be announced by Organization after
exam completion.
SAIL Jobs-SAIL Jobs 2019
Steel Authority of
India Limited (SAIL) Officials is hiring the eligible aspirants for the
available SAIL Management Trainee Positions. Interested aspirants across
India can go ahead and apply for this asrkari naukri. Steel Authority of India
Limited Officials is offering good salary for the selected aspirants. And the sarkari
naukri job location for the selected aspirants will be across India.
Surely this new Steel Authority of India Limited Management Trainee Vacancy
2019 is a good chance. Now all you have to do is check out the total
information given in the Official SAIL
Management Trainee Notification 2019
and then proceed to SAIL apply for it before the final date.
SAIL Jobs for Department-Wise Vacancies
SAIL Discipline
No of Posts
SAIL Jobs for Mechanical Engineers
SAIL Jobs for Metallurgical Engineers
SAIL Jobs for Electrical
SAIL Jobs for Chemical
SAIL Jobs for Instrumentation Engineers
SAIL Jobs for Mining
Total Vacancies
SAIL Jobs for Qualification Education-SAIL Eligibility
SAIL Management
Trainee Jobs 2019 Notification specifies that the aspirants who
completed their Degree in Engineering in concerned disciplines from any recognized
Institute or University in India, as the Educational Qualification are
SAL Age Limit
Aspirants with the maximum
Age of 28 years are eligible to apply for SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019.
SAIL Management Trainee Selection Process
Through GATE 2019
score and interview, aspirants will be hired for the available positions.
SAIL Salary
According to the Norms
of the SAIL Organization.
SAIL Application Fee
Application fees is to be paid through online mode.
Application Fee
Gen/ EWS/OBC aspirants
SC/ ST/ PWD/Departmental aspirants
How to Apply for SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019
Ø Navigate to Steel Authority of India Limited Official Site
Ø Now, check the Recruitment Section.
Ø Over there find the advertisement for Management Trainee
through GATE 2019.
Ø Open and go through the information in mentioned.
Ø And then if you are eligible, fill in the online application form
Ø And finally, submit it before the final date.
Ø Take a print out for future reference..
SAIL Management Trainee Online Application Form 2019,
SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019 Notification
SAIL Management Trainee Online Application Form
Here we have provided all the information about the latest SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019 Notification. For more such Job Notifications, always check our site regularly at
SAIL Address
Bhavan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
SAIL Recruitment 2019 - Apply Online 142 MT through GATE Posts,
Recruitment through GATE 2019 for 142 MT Posts, SAIL Recruitment 2019 - 142 MT
(Technical) Vacancies, Apply Online, SAIL MT Recruitment 2019: Recruitment for
42 Management Trainee, SAIL Recruitment 2019 Notification of 142 MT
(Technical), SAIL Recruitment through GATE 2019: Apply for 142 Management
Trainee Jobs, SAIL Recruitment 2019 for Management Trainee 142 Vacancies, SAIL
Recruitment 2019 Apply Online for 142 Management Trainee Posts, SAIL
Recruitment 2019: Apply for 142 Management Trainee posts, SAIL Recruitment 2019
for 142 MT Technical Posts, SAIL Management Trainee Recruitment 2019: Apply
Online for MT SAIL Careers, SAIL Recruitment 2019, 142 MT (Technical) Job
Vacancies, Apply Online,
स्टील अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया लिमिटेड ने 142 पदों पर Management Trainee की भर्ती के लिए एक अधिसूचना जारी की है। इच्छुक उम्मीदवार यहाँ आवेदन कर सकते हैं। आवेदन करने से पहले पूर्ण अधिसूचना यहाँ पढ़ें।
NOTIFICATION: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Maharatna CPSE, New Delhi (A Government of India Undertaking) inviting online applications for filling up 142 vacant posts of Management Trainee (Technical) through GATE-2019 in E1 grade in various Engineering disciplines for operation of its Plants/Units and Mines across India from eligible and interested willing candidates. It is latest & good information for unemployed personnel those who are looking for these new Jobs in Government sector & other organizations. Job seekers, who wish to apply for these vacancies regarding SAIL Recruitment 2019, must have passed Degree in Engineering with 65% marks (average of all semesters, irrespective of the weightage given to any particular year by the Institute/ University) in relevant disciplines and GATE qualified score. Applicant’s upper age should be as per Govt. rules and age relaxation is applicable to all reserved category candidates i.e.SC /ST/OBC/PWH/Ex Servicemen/Women candidates etc.
To be getting selected in this organization screened candidates will have to pass in merit list will be drawn by combining the scores of Written test (GATE 2018), GD & interview conducted by authorized officials. Selected candidates will be paid a handsome salary (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + other applicable usual allowances) as per Govt. rules. Selected candidates will be called for joining the organization as per rules, for that they must always remain in contact with the organization and must visit official website for daily updates, because most of organization have uploaded their all activities on internet. All willing candidates can apply through online mode. SAIL Recruitment 2019 Apply Online for 142 Management Trainee Vacancy
SAIL Management Trainee Recruitment 2019, Steel Authority of India MT Notification 2019, SAIL Recruitment Through GATE 2019 – Vacancy Details, SAIL Management Trainee Jobs 2019 Educational Qualifications, Job Careers at SAIL 2019 Age Limit, SAIL Management Trainee Vacancy 2019 Selection Criteria, SAIL MT (Technical) Job Openings 2019 Application Fee, Steel Authority of India Offers Pay Scale, Latest SAIL Employment News Important Dates, How to Apply Online for SAIL Recruitment 2019, SAIL Management Trainee Recruitment 2019, SAIL MT Recruitment Through GATE 2019, SAIL Management Trainee Recruitment 2019 details, SAIL Recruitment 2019 for MTT,
Today's Current Vacancy/आज की नई रिक्तियां
NO OF VACANCIES: 142 vacant posts of Management Trainee (Technical) through GATE-2019 in various disciplines in Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), New Delhi.
Discipline Wise Vacancies -
1. Mechanical Engineering: 66 Posts.
2. Metallurgical Engineering: 07 Posts.
3. Electrical Engineering: 41 Posts.
4. Chemical Engineering: 10 Posts.
5. Instrumentation Engineering: 15 Posts.
6. Mining Engineering: 03 Posts.
Category Wise Vacancies –
1. UR: 59 posts.
2. OBC: 38 posts.
3. SC: 21 posts.
4. ST: 10 posts.
5. EWS: 14 posts.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: A passed of a Degree in Engineering with 65% marks (average of all semesters, irrespective of the weightage given to any particular year by the Institute/University) in 6 Engineering disciplines of Mechanical, Metallurgy, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical and Mining and GATE qualified score.
AGE LIMIT: Candidate’s required age should be in between of 18 years - 28 years as on 14-06-2019 i.e., not born earlier than 14-06-1991 for Sail Management Trainee Recruitment 2019 Latest 142 MT Vacancies.
AGE RELAXATION: As per Govt. rules age relaxation is applicable for said post to all reserved category candidates.
PAY SCALE: The Management Trainees will be offered Basic Pay of Rs.20600/- p.m. in the pay scale of Rs.20600-46500/-. On successful completion of training of 01 year the Management Trainees will be designated as Junior Managers and placed in the scale of pay of Rs. 24900-50500/-.
Other Allowances: Besides Basic Pay, the MTs will also be paid Dearness Allowance. They will also be entitled for perquisites under cafeteria approach and benefits such as PF, Gratuity and other allowances as per rules of the Company in vogue. The CTC would be around Rs.9 lakhs p.a. In addition, Company provides benefits like Leave encashment, Housing/HRA and free medical facility for self and dependents as per Company rules. Being direct recruitment on initial basic pay, the Company will not bear any liability on account of Salary/ leave salary/ pension contribution etc., of previous employment, if any.
REQUIRED APPLICATION FEE: For said vacancy a non- refundable application fee is to be paid by the candidates as per rules. An amount of Rs. 700/- by General & OBC candidates and Rs. 100/- by SC/ST/EWS & Departmental candidates to be paid through internet banking account/credit/debit card or through any of the State Bank Group branches with system generated Payment Challan form in given account number.
POST RESERVATION: All reserved category candidates ie. SC/ST/OBC/ PWD/ Women/Ex Servicemen/Widows etc (as applicable) are being selected for said post/s as per existing Govt. policy/rules.
SELECTION PROCESS: Applicants who are screened for applicability /eligibility are being selected as per organization policy/rules depending on the basis of their performance in Candidates who apply for SAIL will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the relevant GATE 2019 exam paper and Company’s requirement. Shortlisted candidates would be intimated to appear for Group Discussion and Interview through careers page website of SAIL.
For final selection, the merit list will be drawn by combining the scores of Written test (GATE 2019), GD and Interview with the weightage of 75:10:15 in that order.
INQAURIES: Tech queries / helpline (9:30 am To 6:30 pm) +91- 7289060457/ [email protected]
HOW TO APPLY: For said posts (SAIL Management Trainee Recruitment 2019 for 142 MT Posts | Apply Online) eligible, willing and interested candidates may apply through online at official website up to last date. Applicants must retain a hard copy for future reference.
Instructions to Apply Online -
1. Before applying, candidates should scan their photograph, signature.
2. Log on to the website or
3. Go to Careers—— Jobs.
4. Select the desired post & click on it.
5. Read all the notification & Click on Apply Now.
6. Fill in all the details, pay application fee & submit the form.
7. Take a printout of online application form for future reference.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Ispat Bhavan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
CONCLUSION: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), New Delhi invites online application for the recruitment of 142 vacant posts of Management Trainee (Technical) through GATE-2019 in various disciplines on regular basis from Indian residents who are eligible & interested; candidates can apply through online application.
Candidates can download detailed advertisement /notification from official website for recruitment information like required age, reservation in age, required education qualification, required application fee, reservation for posts, syllabus, date of test, last date to apply, number of vacant posts, name of department, mode of selection, how to apply and other instructions.
More other Jobs in PSUs
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 14-06-2019 for SAIL Recruitment 2019 for 142 Management Trainee MT Posts through GATE-2019.
Official Notification
Online Apply Here
General Knowledge Questions/Previous papers Here
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